Alto-Shaam Electronically Operated Ovens manual HO T Foods

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Food flavor and aroma are usua lly so

closel y related it is difficult, if not impossible,

to separa te them.

There is also an important,

inseparabl e relationsh ip betw een cleanli ness

and food flavo r. Clean lin ess,

top operating

efficie ncy, and appearan ce of equipm ent

contr ibute considerably to savory, appetizing

foods. Good equipmen t that is kept clean ,

works better and lasts

lon ger.


Most food imparts

its own par ticu lar aroma

and man y foods also absorb existi ng odors.

Unf ortuna tely, durin g this absor pti on, ther e is

no dis tincti on betw een GOOD and BAD odor s.

The maj ority of objectionable

flavors and odor s

troub ling food service

ope ration s are caused by

bacte ria growth .

Sourness, rancidity,

mustine ss, stal e or oth er OFF flavor s are

usually the result of bacte ria l activi ty.

The easiest way to insure full, natur al food

flavo r is throu gh comprehen sive cleanliness .

This means goo d cont rol of bot h visi ble soil

(dirt) and invi sible soil (mi croorganism s).

Clean surfac es don’t smell. This is a basic and

impo rtant fact to assure good

quality in foo d of

all kinds.




A thor oug h approach to sanita tion will

provide esse ntial

clea nline ss.

It will assure

an attract ive appea rance of equ ipment, along with maxi mum efficiency and utili ty. More impo rtant ly, a good sanita tion progr am provide s one of the key elem ents in the preven tio n of food- born e illnesses.

A contr olled hol ding envi ronment for prepar ed foods is just one of the important facto rs invo lve d in the preven tion of food - borne illne sses . Tempera ture monitori ng and con trol during receivin g, storage, prepara tion and the service of foods are of equal imp ortance.

The most accurate method of measuring safe temperatures of both hot and cold foods is by internal product temperature. A quality thermo meter is an effective tool for this purpos e and should be routinely used on all products that require holdin g at a specific temperatu re.












14 0°F


4° to 60 °C



12 0°F


21° to 49°C



165° F


60 ° to 74 °C









40°F or BELOW


4°C or BELOW









0° to 32°F


-18° to 0°C

0°F or BELOW


-18°C or BELOW

A comp rehensi ve sani tation progr am should focus on the training of staff in bas ic sanitation procedu res. This includes pers onal hygi ene, prope r hand ling of raw food s, cooki ng to a safe internal product temperature, and the rout ine moni tor ing of inter nal temper atu res from

rece iving throug h ser vice. Personal clean liness is gener all y the mos t difficult field to con trol. Rigid rules of personal hyg iene and practice must be inst ituted and mai ntai ned with standar ds set at the highes t lev els.

Most food -bor ne illnes ses can be prevented through proper temper atu re contr ol and a comprehens ive program of sani tati on. All these facto rs are import ant to build quali ty servi ce as the foundat ion of customer sati sfacti on.


Image 88
Contents LOW Temperature Cooki NG and Holding GUI Delines Low Temperature Cooking Introduction Cleaning and Maintenance Cooking GuidelineLow Temperatur e Cooking Fact s Low Temperatu re Cooking OperationLOW Temperat URE Cooking Introducti on LOW Temperature Cooking Introduction Mea t play s a sign ific ant role in the dietTemperature at which meat is cooked Intern al temperature before cookingInter nal temp eratu re of the meat Degree of aging on the meatLabor and Equipment Cost Reduction Al l stai nless Prob eSta ck ab le de sign Stu cc o Alum inum Ex teriorCook & Hold Smokers Options & Accessories HE AT RE COV ERY OV EN CH Arac Terist ICSStar T-UP Control Identification & Function AU Dible SIG Nals Used to erase a progr am from memory stor ageControl Identification & Function Oper ATI NG Feat Ures Beeper Volume Selection Control Operation CO OK by PR OBE Control Operation Cook by TI ME Control Operation PR OG Rammi NG Control Operation Prog Rammi NG Press Prog Rammed Preset KEY Desired Control Operation PR Ogra MM INGControl Operation Gene RA L CO Oking Guid ELI NE S Control Operation Phone 800Cleaning & Maintenance Protect ING Stainl ESS Steel SurfacesClea Ning Agen TS Clea Ning Materi ALSCLE AN the Oven Daily CLE AN the EXT Erio R of TH E Cabin ETCHE CK Over ALL CON DI TI on OVE N Once a Mont H CHE CK the Cooling FAN Oven CON Trol AR EACOO KI NG Proc ED UR E Guideli NE IND EX Cooking Guide Smoking BeefCooking Notes Beef Brisket PRO DUC T S PecificationsOVE R RI DE Llow ANC E 6F I MU M HO Lding Time Required MA XI MU M HO LDI NG TIM EBEE F ST RIP Loin Prepara TionOver RID E Period After Override OPT IO NAL ONE-HAL F OP EN OV Erride LlowancBeef Short Ribs Overn Ight Cook & HoldDoor VEN TS Final INT Erna L TE Mperature After OverrideCorne D Beef Over RID E Period After OverrideMUS T do Overni GHT ONE-HAL F OP EN OV Erride Llowanc EHamburgers PRO DUC T S Pecifications Prepara TionOV Errid E Period ONE -HAL F OP EN After OverridePRI M E RIB ND F Over RID E Period After OverrideHigh ly Re com mended On e-Half Op en OV Erride Llowanc E 3 0FPRI ME RIB Special OV Errid E Period Overnight Cook & Hold After OverrideOVE R RI DE Llow ANC E 30F 17 CRibey E Beef Ribe ye Roll , Lip On, #112A 8 to 12 lb 3 to 5 kgTo 11 lb ROASTS4 to 4,5 kg 8 minutes per Pound for the first roast 18 minutes per kilogramBeef Round Sma ll Cu ts Op ti on al130F 54C Rec om me nde d 30F 17 CPRO DUC T S Peci Fications Prepara Tion BEE F RO UND Cafete RIA Steams HI PIM U M H O Ldin G Time RE QU IR ED Maximum Holding Tende Rloin OV Errid E Period After OverrideNot Re comme nd ed On e-Half Op en OVE R RI DE Llow ANC E 40FVE AL LO Not Re co mme nd ed On e-Half pen140F 60 C Over NIG HT Cook & Hold Not Recom mende d RAR E 140F 60COver R ID E Allow a N CE Lamb LEGMI NI M UM HO Lding Time Require Maximum Holding LAM B Racks FRE Nched Door VentsFinal Inte Rnal Temp Erat URE After Override OV ErrideHAM, Fresh OVE R RI DE Llow ANC E 12FHAM , Cured and Smok ED PRO DUC T S Peci Fications2F 7 C Add 30 minutes for each add itiona l hamLoin PO RKPork Loi n Bon ele ss, Tied 8 to 10 lb 4 to 5 kgOver NIG HT Cook PO RK Ribs2 Hours PO RK Chops 18 x 13 x 18 x 13 x 1 on 18 x 26 x 1 on ShelvesOVE R RI DE Llow ANC E 30F 17 CPork Shoulder, Boston Butt, Boneless 8 to 10 lb 4 to 5 kg PO RK S HoulderHigh ly Re com mended On e-Half Op en 165 to 170F 74 to 77C Sausage Press and release control ON/OFF keyPress the Hold key Press the up and down arrows to set the holdingChicken Breasts Not Re co mme nd ed OpenDOORFull VentsND F Over RID E Period Open Full 185F 85 CND F OV Errid E Period OP EN FullChicken Whole Opti on al OpenDOORFull VentsOpen Fu ll 185F 85C Over NIG HT Cook & Hold Optio nal OV Erride AL LowanceCornish Hens END F Over Ride PeriodAfter Override OV E RR IDE Allowan CEDU CK , Whole END F Overr IDE PE RiodOVE Rride Lowan CE INI MUM H OLD I NG TI ME Requir ED Maximum Holding TimePRO D UC T Specific TU Rkey WholePrepar ATI on TU Rkey Breast PRO D UC T Spec IficatOvern Ight Cook & Hold DOO R VentsTU Rkey Roll ATI ONS and Prepar ATI onTurkey Roll Hour To 8 HoursIs H , B Aked PRO D UC T Spec Ificat I ONS and Prepar ATI onEN of Overr IDE PE Riod After Override OVE Rride LowanPRO DU C T Specifications SAL MON SteaksRID E Period After Override Over RI DE Allow AN CETrout Trout, Whole 1 lb 454 grams dressedTrout Over Nightdocookr VEN& HoldtsPO Tatoes No t Reco mme nded OpenDOORFull VentsEN F Ride Period Op en Ful lUIC HE END F Override PE Riod After OverrideOver Night Cook & Holdn /NOA OVE Rride Allow AN CERI C E END Over Ride Period After OverrideOV ER RI DE Allowan C E MI Nimu M H Oldi N G TI ME RE QU Ired MA Ximum Holding TimeBaked EGG Custard Prepa Ratio NHE E T Cake PRO D U CT SP Ecific AtionsPrepa Ratio N Overni GHT Cook & HOLDn/aNoCheese Cake Frozen FoodsOp en Ful l 150F 66C Mmend edFR Ozen Convenience Entr ÉE Pans Over Night Cook & HoldDoor Vents Final Internal TEM Perature After OverrideFrozen Conveni ENC E Entr ÉE Pans 100 0 Seri ESOvernigh T After Override Cook & Hold DoorRozen Convenience Portioned Entr ÉES PRO D UC T Spec Ificat I ONSPrepar 100 0 Serie SBreakfast Sandwiches Do not Allow the Produc T to RemainMake Certain Product Reaches the Fully Heated Temper Ature Final Inte Rnal Temperatur E After OverrideApproximate pan capacity 24 cookiesper full-sizesheet pan CO OKI ESOpen Full Doughnuts PRO D UC T Specific ATI ONSPrepar ATI on Cooking Time to be SET 2-1/2 hoursTemperature to 90 to 100F 32 to 38C Dough ProofingDo not press the Cook key Based on size and quantity of dough, generallyPRO DUC T Specifications Prepara TionCook in G Smok in G HO Lding Procedur ES LI GHT Smoke FlavorMED IUM Smoke Flavor HEA VY Smoke FlavorCOO KI NG SMO KI NG HO Lding Proce DU RE S Smoker O Peration Cook ING S Moking Holding PR OceduresSM Oked BEE F B RI SKE T Beef Brisket, Fresh To 13 lb 4 to 6 kgRoasts Up to 10 0 l b 45 kgMoked F RES H H AMS Pork Fres h H am 14 t oO 4 hams O 8 hamsFlat wire shelves Barbecue sauce can be added prior to serviceSM Oked POR K R IB S Closed OptionalMoked D UCK , Whole Duck, Who leCl osed Not Recom mend ed Duck s pe r sh elfSM Oked R KE Y Turkey Whol eTurk ey s Non eIME and Probe Temperature are Suggeste D Moked C ODPa ns To Vari Ations Product QualitySM Oked SAL MON No TEShe et p an She et p ansMoked S RI MP Closed Not Rec omm ende dCl os ed Re comm ende d SM Oked BEA NSNon e COL D SM OKE D SA Lmon Salmon Fill ets , Fre shSea Sa lt Press and hold the Smoker key for 5 secondsCold SM OK ED S Almon Oven Must be AtroomCAU Tion General Holding Cabinet Operation HO T Foods Food SAF ETY Guideline S O K I N G N O T E S CO OK /HO LD /SE RVE SYS TE MS

Electronically Operated Ovens specifications

Alto-Shaam Electronically Operated Ovens represent a significant advancement in commercial kitchen technology, offering unmatched precision and versatility. Designed primarily for restaurants, hotels, and catering businesses, these ovens combine advanced cooking technologies with user-friendly features to enhance kitchen efficiency and food quality.

One of the standout features of Alto-Shaam ovens is their customizable cooking modes. Operators can choose from various cooking methods, including convection, steam, and combination cooking, allowing them to prepare a wide range of dishes from perfectly roasted meats to delicate pastries. This versatility enables chefs to experiment and innovate, making it easier to craft unique menus that satisfy diverse dining preferences.

Another key characteristic of Alto-Shaam ovens is their use of Halo Heat technology. This innovative heating system provides consistent, even cooking through radiant heat, ensuring that food is cooked thoroughly without the need for excess moisture or fats. This not only enhances the flavor and texture of dishes but also promotes healthier cooking practices by reducing the amount of added oils or butter.

The ovens come equipped with a digital control panel that allows for precise temperature and time settings, ensuring that each dish is cooked to perfection. The intuitive interface makes it easy for kitchen staff to operate, reducing the chances of user error in a high-pressure environment. Additionally, many models include programmable recipes, enabling chefs to store their best creations for future use, which streamlines the cooking process and minimizes prep time.

Energy efficiency is another hallmark of Alto-Shaam ovens. Featuring insulation that minimizes heat loss, these ovens are designed to operate with lower energy consumption compared to traditional models. This not only leads to lower utility bills but also aligns with sustainable kitchen practices, making them an environmentally friendly choice for modern establishments.

Durability is crucial in a commercial kitchen, and Alto-Shaam ovens are built to last. Constructed from high-quality stainless steel, these ovens withstand the rigors of daily use while maintaining their aesthetic appeal. Regular maintenance is straightforward, which helps to prolong the life of the equipment.

In summary, Alto-Shaam Electronically Operated Ovens combine advanced cooking technologies with user-friendly features, making them an ideal choice for any commercial kitchen. With customizable cooking modes, Halo Heat technology, digital controls, energy efficiency, and robust construction, these ovens deliver exceptional performance and reliability, ensuring that chefs can consistently meet and exceed customer expectations.