Alto-Shaam Electronically Operated Ovens manual LOW Temperat URE Cooking Introducti on

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Welcome to the

cost saving conv enience of Low Temperature Cooking.

In 1968, Alto-Sh aam invent ed the first auto matic, commercia l cook and hold oven featuring the principle of Halo Heat. The heatin g method provided by Halo Heat low temperatu re cook ing and holdin g ovens consists of an elec tric therma l cable that encirc les the entire cooking and holding chamber. This creat es a gentle blank et or HALO of radiant heat — surro unding food with a consiste nt and unifor m temperat ure with no air movemen t inside the oven compartment. This gentle heat ing concept cooks at low temperatures and at a high level of humid ity to prese rve product moistu re, flavor , and nutr ition. Halo Heat ovens are designed to convert automa tica lly from a cooking temper ature to a holding temperatu re where the product can remain until it is ready to be served.

Halo Heat is an entirely differen t system of cooking. Utilizin g this unifor m heat source, Halo Heat drama tically reduces meat shrinka ge; provides natural enzyme

(agin g) action for more tender, flavorful meat; and prese rves natural juices along with nutrition al values in all foods. Halo Heat cookin g reduce s energy cost, cuts back on labor and handlin g, and solves kitchen spac e problems. There is no mech anical ventilation or oven hood necessary in most areas so the oven s can be move d wherever they are needed.

Read this bookle t caref ully. Halo Heat is a cookin g syst em that requires minimal care once you have learned the basic prin ciple s.

For best results with many products , we recomme nd you start your cooking cycle the even ing before — for serving the next day. In many areas, off -peak power rates are also lower at night.

If anything you cook in a Halo Heat low tempe rature cookin g and holdin g oven does n’t meet your highest standards of quality, please contact one of our food service prof ession als for help. Usually, only a minor change in proced ure is required.


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Contents LOW Temperature Cooki NG and Holding GUI Delines Low Temperatu re Cooking Operation Low Temperature Cooking IntroductionCleaning and Maintenance Cooking Guideline Low Temperatur e Cooking Fact sLOW Temperat URE Cooking Introducti on Mea t play s a sign ific ant role in the diet LOW Temperature Cooking IntroductionDegree of aging on the meat Temperature at which meat is cookedIntern al temperature before cooking Inter nal temp eratu re of the meatLabor and Equipment Cost Reduction Stu cc o Alum inum Ex terior Al l stai nlessProb e Sta ck ab le de signCook & Hold Smokers Options & Accessories OV EN CH Arac Terist ICS HE AT RE COV ERYStar T-UP Control Identification & Function Used to erase a progr am from memory stor age AU Dible SIG NalsControl Identification & Function Oper ATI NG Feat Ures Beeper Volume Selection Control Operation CO OK by PR OBE Control Operation Cook by TI ME Control Operation PR OG Rammi NG Control Operation Prog Rammi NG Control Operation PR Ogra MM ING Press Prog Rammed Preset KEY DesiredControl Operation Gene RA L CO Oking Guid ELI NE S Phone 800 Control OperationClea Ning Materi ALS Cleaning & MaintenanceProtect ING Stainl ESS Steel Surfaces Clea Ning Agen TSCHE CK the Cooling FAN Oven CON Trol AR EA CLE AN the Oven DailyCLE AN the EXT Erio R of TH E Cabin ET CHE CK Over ALL CON DI TI on OVE N Once a Mont HCooking Guide Smoking Beef COO KI NG Proc ED UR E Guideli NE IND EXCooking Notes I MU M HO Lding Time Required MA XI MU M HO LDI NG TIM E Beef BrisketPRO DUC T S Pecifications OVE R RI DE Llow ANC E 6FOV Erride Llowanc BEE F ST RIP LoinPrepara Tion Over RID E Period After Override OPT IO NAL ONE-HAL F OP ENFinal INT Erna L TE Mperature After Override Beef Short RibsOvern Ight Cook & Hold Door VEN TSOV Erride Llowanc E Corne D BeefOver RID E Period After Override MUS T do Overni GHT ONE-HAL F OP ENONE -HAL F OP EN After Override HamburgersPRO DUC T S Pecifications Prepara Tion OV Errid E PeriodOV Erride Llowanc E 3 0F PRI M E RIBND F Over RID E Period After Override High ly Re com mended On e-Half Op en17 C PRI ME RIB SpecialOV Errid E Period Overnight Cook & Hold After Override OVE R RI DE Llow ANC E 30FPound for the first roast 18 minutes per kilogram Ribey EBeef Ribe ye Roll , Lip On, #112A 8 to 12 lb 3 to 5 kg To 11 lb ROASTS4 to 4,5 kg 8 minutes per30F 17 C Beef RoundSma ll Cu ts Op ti on al 130F 54C Rec om me nde dBEE F RO UND Cafete RIA Steams HI P PRO DUC T S Peci Fications Prepara TionIM U M H O Ldin G Time RE QU IR ED Maximum Holding OVE R RI DE Llow ANC E 40F Tende RloinOV Errid E Period After Override Not Re comme nd ed On e-Half Op enRAR E 140F 60C VE AL LONot Re co mme nd ed On e-Half pen 140F 60 C Over NIG HT Cook & Hold Not Recom mende dLamb LEG Over R ID E Allow a N CEMI NI M UM HO Lding Time Require Maximum Holding OV Erride LAM B Racks FRE NchedDoor Vents Final Inte Rnal Temp Erat URE After OverrideOVE R RI DE Llow ANC E 12F HAM, FreshAdd 30 minutes for each add itiona l ham HAM , Cured and Smok EDPRO DUC T S Peci Fications 2F 7 CBon ele ss, Tied 8 to 10 lb 4 to 5 kg LoinPO RK Pork Loi nPO RK Ribs Over NIG HT Cook2 Hours Llow ANC E 30F 17 C PO RK Chops18 x 13 x 18 x 13 x 1 on 18 x 26 x 1 on Shelves OVE R RI DEPO RK S Houlder Pork Shoulder, Boston Butt, Boneless 8 to 10 lb 4 to 5 kgHigh ly Re com mended On e-Half Op en 165 to 170F 74 to 77C Press the up and down arrows to set the holding SausagePress and release control ON/OFF key Press the Hold keyOpen Full 185F 85 C Chicken BreastsNot Re co mme nd ed OpenDOORFull Vents ND F Over RID E PeriodOP EN Full ND F OV Errid E PeriodOV Erride AL Lowance Chicken WholeOpti on al OpenDOORFull Vents Open Fu ll 185F 85C Over NIG HT Cook & Hold Optio nalOV E RR IDE Allowan CE Cornish HensEND F Over Ride Period After OverrideINI MUM H OLD I NG TI ME Requir ED Maximum Holding Time DU CK , WholeEND F Overr IDE PE Riod OVE Rride Lowan CETU Rkey Whole PRO D UC T SpecificPrepar ATI on DOO R Vents TU Rkey BreastPRO D UC T Spec Ificat Overn Ight Cook & HoldHour To 8 Hours TU Rkey RollATI ONS and Prepar ATI on Turkey RollOVE Rride Lowan Is H , B AkedPRO D UC T Spec Ificat I ONS and Prepar ATI on EN of Overr IDE PE Riod After OverrideOver RI DE Allow AN CE PRO DU C T SpecificationsSAL MON Steaks RID E Period After OverrideOver Nightdocookr VEN& Holdts TroutTrout, Whole 1 lb 454 grams dressed TroutOp en Ful l PO TatoesNo t Reco mme nded OpenDOORFull Vents EN F Ride PeriodOVE Rride Allow AN CE UIC HEEND F Override PE Riod After Override Over Night Cook & Holdn /NOAMI Nimu M H Oldi N G TI ME RE QU Ired MA Ximum Holding Time RI C EEND Over Ride Period After Override OV ER RI DE Allowan C EPrepa Ratio N Baked EGG CustardOverni GHT Cook & HOLDn/aNo HE E T CakePRO D U CT SP Ecific Ations Prepa Ratio NCheese Cake Mmend ed FrozenFoods Op en Ful l 150F 66CFinal Internal TEM Perature After Override FR Ozen Convenience Entr ÉE PansOver Night Cook & Hold Door VentsCook & Hold Door Frozen Conveni ENC E Entr ÉE Pans100 0 Seri ES Overnigh T After Override100 0 Serie S Rozen Convenience Portioned Entr ÉESPRO D UC T Spec Ificat I ONS PreparFinal Inte Rnal Temperatur E After Override Breakfast SandwichesDo not Allow the Produc T to Remain Make Certain Product Reaches the Fully Heated Temper AtureCO OKI ES Approximate pan capacity 24 cookiesper full-sizesheet panOpen Full Cooking Time to be SET 2-1/2 hours DoughnutsPRO D UC T Specific ATI ONS Prepar ATI onBased on size and quantity of dough, generally Temperature to 90 to 100F 32 to 38CDough Proofing Do not press the Cook keyPrepara Tion PRO DUC T SpecificationsHEA VY Smoke Flavor Cook in G Smok in G HO Lding Procedur ESLI GHT Smoke Flavor MED IUM Smoke FlavorCOO KI NG SMO KI NG HO Lding Proce DU RE S Cook ING S Moking Holding PR Ocedures Smoker O PerationUp to 10 0 l b 45 kg SM Oked BEE F B RI SKE TBeef Brisket, Fresh To 13 lb 4 to 6 kg RoastsO 8 hams Moked F RES H H AMSPork Fres h H am 14 t o O 4 hamsClosed Optional Flat wire shelvesBarbecue sauce can be added prior to service SM Oked POR K R IB SDuck s pe r sh elf Moked D UCK , WholeDuck, Who le Cl osed Not Recom mend edNon e SM Oked R KE YTurkey Whol e Turk ey sTo Vari Ations Product Quality IME and Probe Temperature are Suggeste DMoked C OD Pa nsShe et p ans SM Oked SAL MONNo TE She et p anClosed Not Rec omm ende d Moked S RI MPSM Oked BEA NS Cl os ed Re comm ende dNon e Press and hold the Smoker key for 5 seconds COL D SM OKE D SA LmonSalmon Fill ets , Fre sh Sea Sa ltOven Must be Atroom Cold SM OK ED S AlmonCAU Tion General Holding Cabinet Operation HO T Foods Food SAF ETY Guideline S O K I N G N O T E S CO OK /HO LD /SE RVE SYS TE MS