l The Oven Selector must be on BROIL
for brolllng temperatures.
l Leavethedoorpartlyopenwhenever usingtheoventobroil.msalbwsthe
oven to maintall ploper temperatures.
1. Position rack
Position rack sc that the surface of the fccdisatleast3inches(7cm)away
from the broil element. Bee ‘Broiling
reck positii chart” on page 16.
2.Put food on broiler pan and place in center of oven rack
3.Position door.
Close the door to the Broil Stop position (open aboul4 inches [lo cm]). The door will stay open by itself.
4.Set Oven Selector and Oven TemPerature Controi Knob to
The OVEN HEATING lndiitor Light will comeon.
5. When broiling is done, turn off oven.
Turn both the Oven Selectcr and the Oven Temperature Ccntrd Knob to OFF. The OVEN HEATING lndiitor Light will go off.