TheAutomaticTimerand Clockon ~o~i oven are helpfuldevicesthat serveseveralpurposes.
Pushinthecenter knobofthe MinuteTirnerandturnk.nobin eitherdirectionto setthe Digital Clocknumeralsto the correcttime.
(Aftersettingthe Clock, letthe knobout, and turn the Minute Timerpointerto OFF.)
To set the Mhuf’e mmer
TheMinuteTimeris the largedid to the leftof the DigitalClock.Use it to time all yourprecisecooking operations.Thisdialdso setsor changesthe DigitalClock.
~SET’THE MINUTETIMER, turnthe center knobclockwise, withoutpushingin, untilpointer reachesnumberof minutesyou wishto time (upto 60).
mmeBakeuses Automaticmmer
UsingAutomaticTimer,youcan TIMEBAKEwiththe ovenstarting immediatelyandturningoffat the StopTimeset or youcan setboth DELAYEDSTART(somemodels saySTART)andSTOPdialsto automaticallystartand stopovenat a latertimeofday.It takesthe worryout of notbeinghometo startor stoptheoven.
Settingthe dialsfor TIMEBAKE is explainedin detailon page 14.
SeIfOClea Uses
Q. How can 1we my Minute
Timertomakemysurface cookingeasier?
A.YourMinuteTimerwijlhelp timetotalcookingwhichincludes timeto boilfoodandchange temperaturesDonotjudgecooking. timeby visiblesteamonly.Food willcookin coveredcontainers eventhoughyoucan’tsee any steam.
Q.Mustthe Clockbe set on correcttimeof daywhenI wish to use theAutomaticTimerfor baktig?
A.Yes,if youwishto set the DELAYEDSTARTor S~P dials to turn on andoffat settfies during timedtinctions.
Q.CanI use theMnute Timer duringovencooking?
A.The MinuteTimercanbe
used duringanycookingfinction. TheAutomaticTimers(DELA~D STARTand S~P dials)are used with TIMEBAKEfinction only.
Q.CanI changethe Clockwhile I’m~me Coofing in the oven?
A.No.TheClockcannotbechanged duringanyprogramthat usesthe oventimer.Youmusteither stop thoseprogramsor waituntilthey are finishedbeforechangingtime.