Roastingis cookingby dry heat. Tendermeator poultrycanbe roasteduncoveredin youroven. Roastingtemperatures,which shouldbe lowand steady,keep spatteringto a minimum.When roasting,it is notnecessaryto sear,baste,coveror add water to yourmeat.
Roastingis redly a baking procedureusd formeats.Therefore, Gvencontrolsare set to BAKEor
TIMEB~. (Youmayheara slightclickingsound,indicating theovenis workingproperly.) Roastingis easy;just follow thesesteps:
Step 1: Checkweightof meat,and place,fat sideup, on roastingrack in a shallowpan. (Broilerpanwith rackis a goodpan for this.) Line broflerpan withaluminumfoilwhen usingpan for marinating,cooking withfruits, cookingheavilycured meats,or for bastingfoodduring cooking.Avoidspillingthese materialson ovenliner or door.
Step 2: Nate in ovenon shelfin A or B position.No preheatingis necessary.
%ep3:~m OVENSET to BAE md OVENTEMPto 325”F.Small poultrymaybe cookedat 375”F. forbestbrowning.
L | 1 |
S@p4: Mostmeatscontinueto cook slightlywhilestanding,after beingremovedfromtheoven. Standingtimerecommendedfor roastsis 10to 20 minutesto allow roastto firm up and makeit easier to carve.Internaltemperaturewill riseabout5° to 10”F.to; compensate for temperaturerise, if desired, removeroastfromovenat 5° to 10”F. lessthantemperatureon guide.
N~E: Youmaywishto use TIME
Rememberthatfoodwillcontinue to cookin thehotovenandtherefore shodd be removedwhenthedesired internaltemperaturehasbeen reached.
For hzen Roam
@Frozenroastsofbeef, pork, lamb,etc., canbe startedwithout thawing,but allow10to 25 minutes per poundadditionaltime(10 minutesper poundfor roastsunder
5pounds,moretimefor larger roasts).
~Thawmostfrozenpoultrybefore roastingto ensureevendoneness. Somecommercialfrozenpoultry can be cookedsuccessfullywithout thawing.Followdirectionsgiven on packer’slabel.
Q.k itnecessarytocheck for
~~witha meat@mm*?
A.Checkingthefinishedinternal temperatureat thecompletionof cookingtimeis recommended. Tempemturesare shownin Roasting Guideon oppositepage.For roas~ over8 pounds,cook~ at 3W°F. withreducedtime, checkwith thermometerat
Q.Why is my roaster~bting whenI try to carveit?
A.Roastsare easierto sliceif allowedto cool 10to 20 minutes afier removingfromoven.Be sure to cut acrossthe grainof the meat.
Q.Do 1needto preheatmy oveneachtimeI cooka roast or pultry?
A.It is rarelynecessaryto preheat youroven,onlyfor very small roasts,whichcooka shortlength of time.
Q.When buying a roast, are thereanyspecialtips that would helpme cookit moreevetiy?
A.Yes.Buya roastas evenin thicknessas possible,or buy rolled roasts.
Q.CanI sealthe sidesof myfoil “tents’whenroastinga turkey?
A.Sealingthe foilwill steamtie meat. Leavingit unsealedWowsthe air to circulateandbrownthe meat.