}Whencookinga foodfor the first timein yournewoven,usethetime givenon recipesas a guide.Oven thermostatsmay“drift” fromthe factorysettingoverthe years,and
HowtosetYourRange forBaking
1.Placefoodin oven,beingsureto leaveabout 1“betweenpansand ovenwallsfor goodcirculationof heat. Closeovendoor,and avoid frequentdooropeningsduring bakingto preventundesirable results.
2.TurnOVENSET,knobto BAKEand OVENTEMP knob to temperatureon recipeor BakingGuide.
3.Checkfoodfor donenessat minimumtimeon recipe. Cook longerif necessary.Switchoff heatand removefoods.
How tommeBake
Theoventimercontrolsare designedto turn the ovenon and
off automaticallyat specifictimes youwantbakingto startand stop. The ovencyclinglightwillstayon whileusingtheTimeBakeselection.
DelayedS@ti & Stop.Oven automat~.tallyturns on laterat yourpreset starttime andturns off at yourpresetstoptime.
Rememberwhen settingstoptime
Beforebeginning,makesurethe rangeclockshowsthe correcttime of day.
1.Toset StopTime,pushin knob on Stopdid andturn pointerto timeyouwantovento turn offi for example,6:00. The DELAYED STARTdial shouldbeat the same positionas thetimeof dayon clock.
2.TurnOVENSET knobto TIME BAKE.~m OVENTEMP knobto desiredoventemperature; for example,250°F.The ovenwill start immediatelyand will stopat the time youhaveset.
HowtoSetDelayed Stiti
and stop
1.Toset StartTime,pushin knob on DELAYEDSTARTdial(some modelsmaysaySTART)andturn pointerto time youwantovento turn on; for example,3:30.
2.Toset StopTime,pushin knob on Stopdialand turn pointerto time youwantovento turn offi for example,6:00. Thismeansyour recipecalledfor 2YZhoursof bakingtime.
N~E: Timeon STOPdialmustbe laterthantimeshownonrangeclock and DELAYEDSTARTdial.
3.~rn OVENSET knobto TIME BAKE.Turn OVENTEMPknobto 250”F.or recommended~mperatu~.
Placefoodin oven,closethe door and the ovenwillbe turnedon and off automaticallyat the timesyou haveset. Turn OVENSETto OFF and removefoodfrom oven.
OVENINDICA~R LIGHT(s) at TIME BAKEsettingmaywork differentlythan theydo at BAKE setting.Carefullyrecheckthe steps givenabove.If all operationsare done as explained,the ovenwill operateas it should.