GE JSP28GJ, JB400GK, JB490GJ, JB391GK, JSP27J CoolitopsurfaceLamp, Toreptisitionthe tilt-lockutit

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Yourcooktoplightis easily replacedwith a fluorescenttube ofthe samewattage.Makesurethe powerto the rangeis disconnected at mainfise or circuitbreaker panelor pullplug.


mt-kk Utitsmot be removed.

Liftlamp cover.

~Placefingerson top near each endof lightbulb.

~Pressdownandroll top ofbulb gentlytowardfrontof rangeuntilit stops.

~Removebulbgentlyfromunit makingsure it doesn’thit lamp cover.


~Placefingerson top near each nd of ligh~bulb. ‘

~Pressbulb gentlyinto slotsand rolltopof burbge~tlytowardback of rangeuntilit stops.

~Movelamp coverdown.

surface Utik

Cleantie area underthe drippans often.Built-upsoil, especially grease,maycatchfire. Tomake cleaningeasier,tilt-lockunitslifi up andlock in the up position,and plug-inunitsare removable.

Caution: Be sure all controlsare turnedto OFFand surfaceunits arecoolbeforeattemptingtolift or removethem,

AfterIifiingthetilt-lockunitsor removingplug-inunits, removethe trim ringsand drip pans underthe unitsand cleanthemaccordingto directionsin the CleaningGuideon page25. Wipearoundthe edgesof the surfaceunit openings.Clean

~.::~‘e.-areabelowthe units. Rinseall


~&~-/ashedareas witha damp clothor sponge.

Youcan lifi a tilt-lockunitupward about6“ and it willlock in the up position.

Toreptisitionthe tilt-lockutit:

@Replacethe drip pan andtrim ringintothe recessin the cooktop.

~Put the trim ring in placeoverthe drip pan. Thedrip pan must be underthe trim ring.

~Guidethe surfaceunit intoplace so it fits evenlyintothe trim ring.

Pl~-h Utib

(on models so equippd)

Plug-inunitscan be removed.

Lifi a plug-inunitabout 1“above thetrim ring—justenoughto grasp it—andyoucan pullit out.

Do nottifta plug-inutit more than IL’If youdo, it maynottie flat on the trimringwhenyou plug it backin.

Toreplacea plug-ti ufit:

*Firstplacethe drippan, thenthe trim ringintothe surfaceunitcavity foundon top of thecooktopsothe unitreceptaclecanbe seenthrough the openingin thepan.

@Insertthe terminalsofthe plug-in unitthroughthe openingin the drip pan andintothe receptacle.

~Guidethe surfaceunitintoplace so it fitsevenlyintothe trim ring.

Note: Thedrip pan mustbe under the trim ring.


~Do notattemptto cleanplug-in surfaceunitsin an automatic dishwasher.

~Do notimmerseplug-insurface unitsin liquidsof anykind.

@Do not bendtheplug-insurface unitplugterminals.

~Do notattemptto clean, adjustor in anywayrepair theplug-in receptacle.






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Image 23
Contents Range Contents Sertice Writedownthe model andserialnmberseSavethe ad money ComD BEsmousLY SurfaceCootingUnik SAW TmsE msTRucTIoNsSurfaceCooting ModeIm391GK Ovensetcontrol ?irfaaec@okiE%gwith InfiniteHeatcontrols Ody fromOFFpositionwhenOn anysurfaceunM? Havethe knobson the right setting?Canningmps Observe FollowingPoin@Fruits CookwareCereal CoffeeRench toast MeltingchmolateButter,marshmallows PancakesorCanI changethe Clockwhile I’m~me Coofing in the oven? Timertomakemysurface cookingeasier?CanI use theMnute Timer duringovencooking? TosettheCockModels JB500andm490 OvencontrolsHow tommeBake HowtosetYourRange forBakingBakingGuide CanI sealthe sidesof myfoil tents’whenroastinga turkey? Why is my roaster~bting whenI try to carveit?Itnecessarytocheck for ~~ witha meat@mm*? Do 1needto preheatmy oveneachtimeI cooka roast or pultry?Stinting timerecommendedfor Do I needto greasemybroiler racktopreventmeatfromsticking? Whenbroiling,is it necessary to alwaysuse a rackin the pan?Guide Contrek,cheek These Thi~s QuestionsandAmwen If Iarnpcoveris heldk piacewith Threeslottedscrews RemovableovenDoorToreplace ToreplacecoverToreptisitionthe tilt-lockutit CoolitopsurfaceLampAdjwthg ovenThermosbt Oven Liner ~ SoapandWater CvenVentDuct Soapand Water Cleani~lgGuideBt oven/rangepafi cool beforetouchingor handling MildSoap and water3VENDOOR If YouNeedservice Readyour UseandCammaterial Warranw