GE JB391GK, JB400GK, JB490GJ, JSP28GJ, JSP27J warranty If YouNeedservice

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If YouNeedservice

Toobtainservice,seeyourwarranty on thebackpageof thisbook.

We’reproudof our serviceand wantyouto be pleased.If for some reasonyouare nothappywiththe serviceyoureceive,here are three stepsto followfor futiherhelp.

FIRST,contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance.Explain whyyouare notpleased.In most cases,this willsolvethe problem.

NEXT, if youare stillnotpleased, writeallthe details-including yourphonenumber—to:

Manager,ConsumerRelations GE Appliances AppliancePark Louisville,Kentucky40225

FINALLY,if yourproblemis still not resolved,write:

MajorApplianceE- ConsumerActionPanel

20North WackerDrive Chicago,Illinois60606





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Image 27
Contents Range Contents Writedownthe model andserialnmberse Savethe ad moneySertice ComD BEsmousLY SurfaceCootingUnik SAW TmsE msTRucTIoNsSurfaceCooting ModeIm391GK Ovensetcontrol ?irfaaec@okiE%gwith InfiniteHeatcontrols Ody fromOFFpositionwhenOn anysurfaceunM? Havethe knobson the right setting?Canningmps Observe FollowingPoin@Fruits CookwareCereal CoffeeRench toast MeltingchmolateButter,marshmallows PancakesorCanI changethe Clockwhile I’m~me Coofing in the oven? Timertomakemysurface cookingeasier?CanI use theMnute Timer duringovencooking? TosettheCockModels JB500andm490 OvencontrolsHow tommeBake HowtosetYourRange forBakingBakingGuide CanI sealthe sidesof myfoil tents’whenroastinga turkey? Why is my roaster~bting whenI try to carveit?Itnecessarytocheck for ~~ witha meat@mm*? Do 1needto preheatmy oveneachtimeI cooka roast or pultry?Stinting timerecommendedfor Do I needto greasemybroiler racktopreventmeatfromsticking? Whenbroiling,is it necessary to alwaysuse a rackin the pan?Guide Contrek,cheek These Thi~s QuestionsandAmwen If Iarnpcoveris heldk piacewith Threeslottedscrews RemovableovenDoorToreplace ToreplacecoverToreptisitionthe tilt-lockutit CoolitopsurfaceLampAdjwthg ovenThermosbt Oven Liner ~ SoapandWater CvenVentDuct Soapand Water Cleani~lgGuideBt oven/rangepafi cool beforetouchingor handling MildSoap and water3VENDOOR If YouNeedservice Readyour UseandCammaterial Warranw