e: bt oven/rangepafi cool beforetouchingor handling.
Bake Utit |
arkdBroil Unit | I |
| |
Broiler %Rand fick | ~ Soap and Water |
| ~ |
| e Plastic Scouring Pad |
ControiWebs: | e MildSoap and water |
Ran~e TODand Oven |
Outside Glass finish | ~ Soap and Water |
Metal, including | ~ Soap and Water |
Brushed Chrome |
and Cooktop |
%rcelain Enamel | s Paper Towel |
Surface* | e Dry Cloth |
| @SoapandWater |
minted Surfaces | I ~Soapand Water |
ide Oven Door* | ~ SoapandWater |
OvenGasket* | I |
Oven Liner | ~ SoapandWater |
C)venVentDuct | I o Soapand Water |
Shelves | o Soapand Water |
(See |
Oven Directions) |
Calrod@Surface |
Unit Coils |
o Soapand Water | |
Trim Kings | ~ |
| |
| |
~rcelain Enamel or | ~ Soap and Water |
Aluminum~riphs | |
| ~PlasticScouringPad |
Donotcleanthebakeunitor broil unit. Any soil will burnoffwhentheunitis heated.N~E: Bakeunitis hingedandcan be lifted gentlyto clean oven floor.
If spillover,residueor ash accumulatesaroundbakeunit, gentlywipe around unitwith warmwater.
Drainfat, coolpanandrackslightly.(Donotlet soiledpanandrackstandin ovento cool.)Sprirddeondetergent.Fill panwithwarmwaterandspreadcloth or papertoweloverrack.Letpan andrackstandfora fewminutes.Wash;scour if necessarv.Rinseanddrv.OPTION:CleanDanandrackin dishwasher.
Pulloffknobs.Washgentlybutdo notsoak. Dryandreturncontrolsto range, makingsureto matchflatareaonknobandshaft.
Cleanoutsideofcooledblackglassdoorwitha glasscleanerthatdoesnot containammonia.Washotherglasswithclothdampenedin soapywater.Rinse andpolishwitha drycloth.If knobsare removed,do notallowwaterto run downinsidesufice ofglasswhilecleaning.
Wash;rinse, andthenpolishwitha dry cloth. DON(YTUSEsteelwool, abrasives,ammonia,acids,or commercialovencleanerswhichmaydamage thefinish.
Avoidcleaningpowdersor harshabrasiveswhichmayscratchtheenamel.
If acidsshouldspillon therangewhfleit is hot, usea drypapertowelor cloth to wipeup rightawayWhenthe. surfacehas cooled,washandrinse. Forotherspills,suchas fatsmatterings,etc., washwithsoapandwaterwhen cooledandthenrinse.Polishwitha dm cloth.
Usea mildsolutionofsoapandwater.Do notuse anyharshabrasivesor cleaningPowderswhichmayscratchor mar surface.
Removeovendoorbyopeningit to BROK position,graspingit at sides,and liftingup andawayfromhinges.Cleanwith soapandwater.Replacebygrasping doorat sides,liningupdoorwithhinges,andpushingdoorfidy intoplace.
AvoidgettingANYcleaningmaterialson the gasket.
Coolbeforecleaning.Frequentwipingwithmildsoapandwaterwillprolong thetimebetweenmajorcleanings.Be sureto rinsethoroughly.
Removethe OvenVentDuctfoundunderthe rightrear surfaceunit. Washin hot, soapywater,dryandreplace.(Openingshouldmatchopeningin drippan.)
Shelvescan becleanedin
Spattersand spillsbum awaywhencoilsare heated.Afiermeal,removeall cookwarefromsurfaceunitsandheatsoiledunitsat HI. Let soilbum offabouta minuteandswitchunitsto OFF.Trynotto getcleaningmaterialson coils.If you do, wipeoffwithdamppapertowelbeforeheatingsurfice unit,
DON~ handletheunitbeforecompletelycooled. DONCYI’attemptto
Cleanas describedbelowor in dishwasherDO. N~ CLEAN~ SELF- CLEmG OVEN.Ringswilldiscolor.Wipeaftereachcookingso unnoticed spatterwillnot “burnon” nexttimeyoucook.
afterpanscoolslightly,sprirddeondetergent,washor scourwithhotwater, rinseanddrv.
*Spillageof marinades, fruit juices, and basting materials containing acids may cause discoloration. Spillovers should bewipedupimmediately,with
.=_arebeing@kento. nottouchanyhotportionofthe oven.Whenthesurfaceis cool, cleanandrinse.