1.Al~v~ysusebroilerpan andrack thatcomeswithyouroven.It is designedto minimizesmokng and spatteringbytrappingjuicesin the shieldedlowerpart of thepan.
2.Ovendoor shouldbe ajar forall fwds exceptchicken;thereis a specialpositionon doorwhich holdsdoor opencorrectly.
3.Fo- ste~ andchops,slashfat
‘Toslash,cut crosswisethrough outerfat surfacejust to the edgeof the meat. Use tongsto turn meat overto preventpiercingmeatand losingjuices.
4.If desired,marinatemeatsor chickenbeforebroiling.Or brush withbarbecuesaucelast5 to 10 minutesonly.
5.men arrangingfoodon pan, do not let fattyedgeshangover sides,whichcouldsoilovenwith fatdripping.
6.Broilerdoesnotneed to be preheated.However,for verythin foods,or to increasebrowning, preheatif desired.
7.frozenSteak can be
conventionallybroiledby positioningthe ovenshelfat next lowestshelfpositionand increasing cookingtime givenin this guide 1%timesper side.
8.If yourovenis connectedto
208volts,rares- maybe brofied by preheatingbroilheaterand positioningthe ovenshelfone positionhigher.
| Quantityandior |
Fmd | ‘rhicknw |
Bacon | |
| thinslices) |
Groud Beef | |
WellDone | 1Ato |
Beefsteaks | |
Rare | |
Medium | (1to |
1 |
WellDone |
Rare | |
Medium | |
WellDone |
Chicken | 1whole |
| |
| splitlengthwise |
BakeryProducts | 2 to 4 slices |
Bread(Toast)or | |
ToasterPastries | 1pkg.(2) |
EnglishMuffins | 2 (split) |
hbswr ~i~S | |
(6to |
Fish | |
| |
IiamSlices | |
(precooked) |
Wrk Chops | 2(% inch) |
WellDone | 2 |
| about1lb. |
Umb Chops | 2(1 inch) |
Medium | |
IVellDone | about10to 12oz. |
Me4iium | 2 (1%inch) |
~ell Done | about1lb. |
$~iene~andsimilar | |
precookedsausages, |
bratwurst |
.— |
Shelf | FirstSide | SecondSide | Commen@ |
Position | ~me, Minutes | Time,Minutes |
| |
c | 3% | 3% | Arrangein singlelayer. |
| Spaceevenly. |
c | 7 | Upto 8 pattiestakeaboutsametime. |
| |
c | 7 | 7 | Steakslessthan 1inchcookthrough |
c | 9 | 9 | beforebrowningPanfryingis. |
c | 13 | 13 | recommended. |
c | 10 | Slashfat. |
| |
c | 15 |
| |
c | 25 |
| |
A | 35 | Reducetimesabout5 to 10minutesper |
| |
| sidefor |
| withmeltedbutter.Broilwithskin |
| downfirstandbroilwithdoorclosed. |
c | 1~ | Spaceevenly.PlaceEnglishmuffins | , | |
| ~ | |
c |
| desired. |
| |
B |
| Do not | Cutthroughbackofshell.Spread |
| turnover. | open.Brushwithmeltedbutter |
| beforeandafterhalftime. |
c | 5 | 5 | Handleandturnverycarefilly. |
| Brushwithlemonbutterbeforeand |
| duringcookingif desired.Preheat |
| broilerto increasebrowning. |
B | 8 | 8 | Increasetimes5 to 10minutesper side |
| for |
c | 10 | 10 | Slashfat. |
B | 13 | 13 |
c | 8 | Slashfat. |
| |
c | 10 | 10 |
c | 10 |
| |
B | 17 |
| |
c | 6 | If desired,splitsausagesin half | ..- | |
| lengthwise;cut into5 |