GE JB490GJ, JB400GK, JB391GK, JSP28GJ, JSP27J warranty ModeIm391GK

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Contents Range Contents Writedownthe model andserialnmberse Savethe ad moneySertice ComD BEsmousLY SAW TmsE msTRucTIoNs SurfaceCootingUnikSurfaceCooting ModeIm391GK Ovensetcontrol Ody fromOFFpositionwhen ?irfaaec@okiE%gwith InfiniteHeatcontrolsObserve FollowingPoin@ Havethe knobson the right setting?Canningmps On anysurfaceunM?Coffee CookwareCereal FruitsPancakesor MeltingchmolateButter,marshmallows Rench toastTosettheCock Timertomakemysurface cookingeasier?CanI use theMnute Timer duringovencooking? CanI changethe Clockwhile I’m~me Coofing in the oven?Ovencontrols Models JB500andm490HowtosetYourRange forBaking How tommeBakeBakingGuide Do 1needto preheatmy oveneachtimeI cooka roast or pultry? Why is my roaster~bting whenI try to carveit?Itnecessarytocheck for ~~ witha meat@mm*? CanI sealthe sidesof myfoil tents’whenroastinga turkey?Stinting timerecommendedfor Whenbroiling,is it necessary to alwaysuse a rackin the pan? Do I needto greasemybroiler racktopreventmeatfromsticking?Guide Contrek,cheek These Thi~s QuestionsandAmwen Toreplacecover RemovableovenDoorToreplace If Iarnpcoveris heldk piacewith ThreeslottedscrewsCoolitopsurfaceLamp Toreptisitionthe tilt-lockutitAdjwthg ovenThermosbt MildSoap and water Cleani~lgGuideBt oven/rangepafi cool beforetouchingor handling Oven Liner ~ SoapandWater CvenVentDuct Soapand Water3VENDOOR If YouNeedservice Warranw Readyour UseandCammaterial