GE JSP28GJ, JB400GK, JB490GJ, JB391GK, JSP27J warranty ComD BEsmousLY

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comD BEsmousLY


@Never wearImse-fitthg or

ha@g garmen@ Wwe Whg

tie~~~we. ~ble~tetid could be ignited if brought in contactwiti hot hatig elements and may cause severe bums.

*Use Qtiy - Pt hOlden— moist or damp potholders on hot surfaces may resdt ti bums

ti~ sm. DOnot let ~t holders touch hot heating ele~enk. Do not use a towel or otier bu~ Cloti.

@Never use your appumce for ww~tig or ~e~ttig the roo~.

~stomgeh oronapptianee

Rmable rna&tidsShoddnotbe stored in ~ oven or near surbce Utifi.

oven. Thesesufices ~aj be hot enou~ to burn even tiough hey ‘aredark ti color. Dutig and stir use, do not touch, ~r let cloting or otier H-able materials contact surface units, areas ne~by sufice units or any titerior area of tie oven; Wow sufficient ttie for coo~g, fnst.

P~tentiWy hot sufices include tie cooMopand.areas facing tie cod~op, oven vent opening and surfaces near the o~ntig, and crevices around tie oven door. , Re~e~ber: The inside surface of tie oven maybe hot when tie door is owned.

@when Cmwg prk9 fouow tie directions e~ctiy and always cook tie meat tom ~ternd te~peratire of at least l~°F.

Ttis assures tiat, in tie xe~ote possibtiity hat trictina may be present in tie meat, it will be tiUed ~d tie meat will be safe to eat.


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Contents Range Contents Writedownthe model andserialnmberse Savethe ad moneySertice ComD BEsmousLY SurfaceCootingUnik SAW TmsE msTRucTIoNsSurfaceCooting ModeIm391GK Ovensetcontrol ?irfaaec@okiE%gwith InfiniteHeatcontrols Ody fromOFFpositionwhenOn anysurfaceunM? Havethe knobson the right setting?Canningmps Observe FollowingPoin@Fruits CookwareCereal CoffeeRench toast MeltingchmolateButter,marshmallows PancakesorCanI changethe Clockwhile I’m~me Coofing in the oven? Timertomakemysurface cookingeasier?CanI use theMnute Timer duringovencooking? TosettheCockModels JB500andm490 OvencontrolsHow tommeBake HowtosetYourRange forBakingBakingGuide CanI sealthe sidesof myfoil tents’whenroastinga turkey? Why is my roaster~bting whenI try to carveit?Itnecessarytocheck for ~~ witha meat@mm*? Do 1needto preheatmy oveneachtimeI cooka roast or pultry?Stinting timerecommendedfor Do I needto greasemybroiler racktopreventmeatfromsticking? Whenbroiling,is it necessary to alwaysuse a rackin the pan?Guide Contrek,cheek These Thi~s QuestionsandAmwen If Iarnpcoveris heldk piacewith Threeslottedscrews RemovableovenDoorToreplace ToreplacecoverToreptisitionthe tilt-lockutit CoolitopsurfaceLampAdjwthg ovenThermosbt Oven Liner ~ SoapandWater CvenVentDuct Soapand Water Cleani~lgGuideBt oven/rangepafi cool beforetouchingor handling MildSoap and water3VENDOOR If YouNeedservice Readyour UseandCammaterial Warranw