GE JSP27J, JB400GK, JB490GJ, JB391GK, JSP28GJ warranty SAW TmsE msTRucTIoNs, SurfaceCootingUnik

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@~~e pro~r ~an s&e—Ttis appfiaceis equipped with one or more surface utits of dfierent sk. Select utinstis having flat bottoms large enough to cover the sutiace utit heating element. The use of understied utensfls WN expose a portion of the heating element tq direct contact and my result in igtition of clothing. Pro~r relationship of utensd to burner WMdso tiprove efficiency.

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mmndd at @ hat W*. Boflovercauses srnotig amd greasy spilloversthat may catch on fire.

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hplace. Theti absence during cookirig cotid d=age range

parts and wiring.


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Une *ip p- or anywhere in the oven except as described in this book. Misuse could result in a shock, fire burd or daage

to the ~ge.

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otiers may bre~ because of the sudden change in te~pe~ture. (See section on “surface Cootig” for suggestions.)

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burns9 ignition

of fl-able

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sp~age, tie h~dle of a conbiner should be tu~ed ~ towwd tie center of the rage witiout extendkg.over nearby Sufice Uniw.

@Mways turn surface dt to

*W pOssibHeFrost. on frozen foods or ~oistu~e on fresh foods can cause hot tit to bubble up

and over sides of pan.

@~WyS heatfatS10W1y9and

watch as it heats.



overheatingtit beyondthe smokingpoht .

SAW TmsE msTRucTIoNs

ombefarremotig$ wte~il,

Image 4
Contents Range Contents Savethe ad money Writedownthe model andserialnmberseSertice ComD BEsmousLY SAW TmsE msTRucTIoNs SurfaceCootingUnikSurfaceCooting ModeIm391GK Ovensetcontrol Ody fromOFFpositionwhen ?irfaaec@okiE%gwith InfiniteHeatcontrolsHavethe knobson the right setting? CanningmpsObserve FollowingPoin@ On anysurfaceunM?Cookware CerealCoffee FruitsMeltingchmolate Butter,marshmallowsPancakesor Rench toastTimertomakemysurface cookingeasier? CanI use theMnute Timer duringovencooking?TosettheCock CanI changethe Clockwhile I’m~me Coofing in the oven?Ovencontrols Models JB500andm490HowtosetYourRange forBaking How tommeBakeBakingGuide Why is my roaster~bting whenI try to carveit? Itnecessarytocheck for ~~ witha meat@mm*?Do 1needto preheatmy oveneachtimeI cooka roast or pultry? CanI sealthe sidesof myfoil tents’whenroastinga turkey?Stinting timerecommendedfor Whenbroiling,is it necessary to alwaysuse a rackin the pan? Do I needto greasemybroiler racktopreventmeatfromsticking?Guide Contrek,cheek These Thi~s QuestionsandAmwen RemovableovenDoor ToreplaceToreplacecover If Iarnpcoveris heldk piacewith ThreeslottedscrewsCoolitopsurfaceLamp Toreptisitionthe tilt-lockutitAdjwthg ovenThermosbt Cleani~lgGuide Bt oven/rangepafi cool beforetouchingor handlingMildSoap and water Oven Liner ~ SoapandWater CvenVentDuct Soapand Water3VENDOOR If YouNeedservice Warranw Readyour UseandCammaterial