GE JB570GM, JB571GM, JBP29G, MNU106 manual Wortant SA~~ ~STRUC~ONS, Oven

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Do not store flammable materhdsin an oven or near the cooktop.



Keep hood and grease ~ters clean to maintain

goodventingandto avoidgreasefries.

Do not let cooking grease or other flammable materkdsaccumdate in or near the range.

\Clean the cooktop with caution.

Ha wetspongeo~clothis usedto wipespillson a hotcookingarea,be

carefulto avoidsteamburn.Somecle~sers can producenoxiousfumesif appfiedto a hot surface.

men cooking pork, followthe directions exactlyandalwayscookthemeatto aninternal temperatureof at least 170°FThisassuresthat,. in theremotepossibilitythattrichinamaybe presentin themeat,it willbe killedandthe meat willbe safeto eat.

,d Do not use water on greasefires. Never pick up a flaming pan. Smother

Bflamingpanonthe surfaceunitby coveringpancompletelywithwell-

fittinglid,cookiesheetorflattray,or if available, usedrychernicdor foam-typeextinguisher.

flaminggreaseoutsidea pancanbe putoutby coveringwithbakingsodaor,if available,a multi- purposedrychetical or foam-typefire extinguisher.

Namein theovencanbe smotheredcompletely by closingtheovendoorandpushingthe CANCELbuttonor usea chemicalorfoam- typeextinguisher.

Do not touch the heating elements or interior

surface of oven and surface units. These

surfacesmaybehot enoughto burneventhough theyaredarkin color.Duringandafteruse,do not touch,or letclothingor otherflammablematerials contactsurfaceunits,areasnearbysurfaceunitsor anyinteriorareaof theoven;allowsufficienttime forcoo~ng,frost.

Potentiallyhotsurfacesincludethecooktopand areasfacingthecooktop,ovenventopeningand surfacesneartheopening,andcrevicesaroundthe ovendoor,andmetaltrimpartsabovethedoor.

Remember:The insidesurfaceoftheovenmay behotwhenthedooris opened.

. Do not cook on a broken glass cooktop,

Spilloversor cleaningsolutionmaypenetrate a brokencooktopandcreatea riskof electrical shock.Contacta qual~ledtechnicianimmediately shouldyourcooktopbecomebroken.

Use care when touching the cooktop. The glass

surfaceof thecooktopwillretainheatafterthe controlshavebeenturnedoff.


Stand away from range when opening oven

door. Hot air or st- which escapes mn cause burns to hands, face antior eyes.

. Do not heat unopened food continers. Pressure could butid up and the container could burst, musing an injury.

Keep the oven vent duct unobstructed. s Keep the oven free from grease butidup.

Place the oven she~ in the desired position

w~e the oven is cool. H the shelvesmustbe

handledwhenhot,donot let potholdercontact theheatingunitsin the oven.

~ling out the she~ to the she~ stop is a convenience in ~iting heavy foods. It is also a precaution against burns from touching hot surfaces of the door or oven walls.

men using cooking or roasting bags in oven,

foflowthe manufacturer’sdirections.

s Do not use your oven to dry newspapers.

If overheated,theycancatchfue.

Do not use oven for a storage area. Items

storedin an ovencanignite.

Do not leave paper products, cooking utensils? or food in the oven when not in use.

After broiling, alwaystakethebroilerpanout

of therangeandcleanit. Leftovergreasein the broflerpancancatchfue thenexttimeyouuse thepan.

Never leave jars or cans of fat drippings on or near your oven.


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Contents L f = C l e a SolidDiskElectricRange Save time and money. Beforeyou request service ~LP US~LP YOUYOU ~ED Serwce You received Damaged rangeWortant SA~W ~STRUCTIONS Rwd M Wtm@om BeforeUskg YourWgeWortant SA~~ ~STRUC~ONS OvenSelf-CleaningOven SAW T~SE ~STRUCTIONSCoohg Elementi Useproperpan size-ThisFEA-S Ofyour Range JBP29G ‘ \ \\’ \Page Before Using YourSolid Disk Modtie for the First Time GeneralInformationAbout Solid Disk ElemenkCookwareTips Pans with uneven bottoms are not suitableHow to Set the Controls Cooting Guide for Using Heat SettingsSensi-Temp‘MControl on some models Lamp Over the SurfaceUnit on some modelsHow to CheckPan Pefiomance on a Solid Disk Suflace Utit ~ACE COO~GWhy does it take a long time to cook my food? Why is the cooktop hot to the touch?Questionsand Answers Obseme the Following Points in Canning Canning should be done on the solid disk surface unit’s onlyOven On Indicator To Cancelthe TfierTo Set the Clock To Set the MinutdSecond TherOven Shelves Before Using YourOvenShelf Positions Do ZtYourse~-Adjustthe Oven Themostit Oven LightHow to Set YourRange for Bating How to Time B*eHow to Set ImmediateStart and Automatic Stop Temperature is displayedQuick Reminder How to Set Delay Start and Automatic StopIs displayed Pan Placement PreheatingBaking Pans Npe of Food SheMPositionBaking Guides AluminumFoilDon’t Peek CakesROAS~G For Frozen RomtsQuestions and Answers ROASTINGGU~EWhy are my meats not turning out as brown as they shodd? Use of Alwinum FotiQuestions & Answers Leave the door oDen to the broil stop po~itionGround Beef Before a Clean Cycle TiportantHow to Set Oven for Cleaning After a Clan CycleHow to Set Delay Shrt of Cleting Quick Reminder-Delay Start for SeM-CleanShould there be any odor during the cleaning? Why do I have ash left in my oven after cleaning?My oven shelves do not stide easily What is the matter? Questionsmd AnswersRemoval of Packaging Tape Glass TopSolid Disk Sutiace Uni@ For burned on spilloverSuflace Light and Starter on some models ControlPanel and mobsGlass Sufiaces Painted SufiacesOven Light Bdb BroflerPan and RackRemovableStorage Drawer Oven VentRemovableOven Door Outside of doorST~~ITY DEWCE~STALLATION~STRUC~ONS FORBRAC~T HT no M73 QUES~ONS? Usethis Problem Solver ‘&B~~G or 0~~’~ PROBLEMSOLmR We’llBeThere Warranty