Taurus Group 850 manual Recepten bereiden

Page 60

Recepten bereiden


Aanbevolen accessoire Snelheid Hoeveelheid










250 ml

Doe het ei, het zout en enkele druppels

35 s




azijn of citroen in de kan. Vul de kan tot





het aangegeven streepje met olie en zet





het apparaat aan. Houd de klopper stil





tot het mengsel begint te binden.





Voeg fruit toe en zet het apparaat aan





tot u een homogeen fruitmengsel krijgt.




600 ml

Smelt 30 gram boter in een pan op

15 s




laag vuur, voeg 100 gram bloem en 30





gram gebakken ui toe (hak de ui eerst





in kleine stukjes), en giet er dan 500





ml melk bij.


Ijs crushen


4/6 blokjes

Doe de ijsblokjes in de kan en crush ze

15 s




door lichtjes op de bovenkant van het





toestel te drukken.




250 ml

Giet de koude (0 tot 5ºC) vloeibare

1,2 min




slagroom in een kom en maak met de





klopper cirkelvormige bewegingen met





de wijzers van de klok mee. Men raadt





snelheid 2 aan. Schakel over op snel-





heid 4 wanneer de slagroom steviger





begint te worden. Wees voorzichtig





want als u te lang klopt, verandert uw





slagroom in boter.


Eiwit kloppen


5 dooiers

Giet de dooiers in een kom en maak

1,5 min




met de klopper op- en neergaande





bewegingen tot het eiwit stijf wordt.




400 g

Deze kunnen eveneens in dezelfde pan

30 s




in stukken gehakt worden.




300 g

Snijd 100 gram appel, 100 gram

25 s




banaan en 50 gram koekjes in stukjes





en doe in de kom samen met het sap





van één sinaasappel.




50 g

Breek het droog brood in stukken, doe

50 s




het brood in het glas en hak het tot de





gewenste textuur wordt bereikt


Image 60
Contents Mixer cu palete Миксер с бъркалки Page Plus Inox Plus Duo BapiPage Clik Descripción Entorno de de uso o trabajoSeguridad eléctrica No tocar la clavija de conexión con las manos mojadas Seguridad personalUtilización y cuidados No exponer el aparato a temperaturas extremasModo de empleo Notas previas al uso UsoControl Electrónico de velocidad Una vez finalizado el uso del aparatoAccesorio tamizador Fig Este accesorio sirve para la elaboración de zumos, caldos…Accesorio batidora de vaso Fig Protector térmico de seguridadAlimentos Anomalías y reparaciónEcología y reciclabilidad del producto Para cada tipo de materialPreparación de alimentos Picar frutos Descripció Entorn d’ús o treballSeguretat elèctrica Seguretat personal Utilització i curaUna utilització inadequada o en desacord Accessoris Accessori vareta Fig Accessori picador FigAccessori batedor Fig Instruccions d’úsAccessori tamisador Fig Accessori batedora de vas FigProtector tèrmic de seguretat NetejaAnomalies y reparació Preparació aliments Picar fruits secs Safety advice and warnings Electrical safetyMany thanks for choosing to purchase a Taurus brand product DescriptionPersonal safety Use and careOnce you have finished using the appliance Accessories Stick blender accessory FigChopping accessory Fig Whisk accessory FigSieve accessory Fig Safety thermal protectorCleaning Mixing container FigMust allow the water to drain away easily Fig Anomalies and repairEcology and recyclability of the product Food preparation Remove the shells and grind until Conseils et mesures de sécurité Avant le premier usage, nettoyer toutesSécurité électrique Sécurité personnelle Utilisation et précautionsNe pas exposer l’appareil aux températures extrêmes Mode d’emploi Remarques avant utilisation Accessoires Accessoire fouet FigAccessoire hacheur Fig UtilisationAccessoire batteur Fig Accessoire tamiseur FigAccessoire bol batteur Fig Protection thermique de sécuritéAnomalies et réparation Écologie et recyclage du produitPréparation aliments Éplucher et hacher jusqu’à obtenir la 20 s Beschreibung Anwendungs- oder ArbeitsumgebungElektrische Sicherheit Persönliche Sicherheit Gebrauch und PflegeDas Gerät sollte nicht länger als 1 Minute Gebrauchsanweisung Hinweise vor dem Einsatz GebrauchElektronische Geschwindigkeitskontrolle Nach dem Gebrauch des GerätesSchlägerzubehör Abb Siebzubehör FigTopfmixer-Gerät Fig WärmeschutzschalterStab Schaumschläger Gefäß Sieb Mixerkrug mit Behälter Störungen und ReparaturUmweltschutz und Recycelbarkeit des Produktes Zubereitung von nahrungsmitteln Karotten schälen in 1cm große Stücke Descrizione Consigli ed avvertenzeArea di lavoro Sicurezza elettricaSicurezza personale Precauzioni d’usoAccessori Accessorio bacchetta Fig Modalità d’uso Prima dell’usoControllo elettronico della velocità Dopo l’usoFrusta Fig Colino FigBicchiere frullatore Fig Protettore termico di sicurezzaAnomalie e riparazioni Prodotto ecologico e riciclabileRicette Tagliare a quarti e tritare fino alla tessitura 10 s Descrição Ambiente de utilização ou trabalhoSegurança eléctrica Não tocar na ficha de ligação com as mãos molhadas Segurança pessoalNão tocar as partes móveis do aparelho em funcionamento Utilização e cuidadosModo de emprego Notas prévias à utilização UtilizaçãoControlo electrónico da velocidade Uma vez terminada a utilização do aparelhoAcessório batedor Fig Acessório coador FigAcessório liquidificador Fig Protector térmico de segurançaAnomalias e reparação Ecologia e reciclabilidade do produtoPreparação de alimentos Cortar previamente em cubos de 1 cm 30 s Beschrijving Adviezen en veiligheidsvoorschriftenGebruik- of werkomgeving Elektrische veiligheidPersoonlijke veiligheid Gebruik en voorzorgsmaatregelenTe verzekeren dat ze niet met het apparaat spelen Accessoires Accessoire staafmixer Fig Hak- accessoire FigGebruiksaanwijzing Alvorens het gebruik GebruikGarde- accessoire Fig Zeef- accessoire FigMixerkan- accessoire Fig Thermische beveiligingReiniging Staafmixer Garde Kan Zeef MixerkanDefecten en reparatie Milieuvriendelijkheid en recycleerbaarheid van het productRecepten bereiden Cm en hak tot de gewenste textuur Wordt bereikt Szanowny Kliencie OpisWskazówki i ostrzeżenia dotyczące bezpiecznego użytkowania Otoczenie użycia i pracyBezpieczeństwo osobiste Stosowanie i utrzymanieInstrukcja obsługi Uwagi przed pierwszym użyciem UżycieElektroniczna kontrola prędkości Po zakończeniu pracy z urządzeniemRozdrabniacz Fig Ubijaczka FigAkcesorium do przesiewania Fig Akcesorium do ubijania w pojemniku FigZabezpieczenie termiczne CzyszczenieNieprawidłowości i naprawa Page Przygotowanie żywności Orzechy Εκλεκτέ μας πελάτη ΠεριγραφήΣυμβουλές και προειδοποιήσεις ασφαλείας Περιβάλλον εργασίας ή χρήσηςΠροσωπική ασφάλεια Χρήση και προσοχήΟδηγίες χρήσης Σημειώσεις πριν την χρήση ΧρήσηΕξάρτημα κόπτη Fig Ηλεκτρονικός Έλεγχος ταχύτηταςΜόλις σταματήσετε να χρησιμοποιείτε Την συσκευήΕξάρτημα κοσκινίσματος Fig Εξάρτημα ποτήρι ανάμειξης FigΘερμική προστασία ασφαλείας ΚαθαρισμόςΔυσλειτουργίες και επισκευή Προετοιμασία των τροφών Μέχρι την επιθυμητή υφή Описание Рекомендации и меры безопасностиРекомендации по установке Рекомендации по электробезопасностиРекомендации по личной безопасности Рекомендации по безопасности для жизни и здоровьяИнструкции по эксплуатации Перед первым использованием Эксплуатация Электронный контроль скоростейУниверсальный измельчитель H Fig Насадка-венчик для взбивания G Fig Насадка для процеживания J FigКувшинный блендер К Fig Термопредохранитель Чистка и уходВозможные неисправности и способы их устранения Авторизированный сервисный центр Приготовление продуктов Почистить морковь, нарезать 20 с Stimate client DescriereSfaturi şi avertismente privind siguranţa Zona de utilizare sau de lucruUtilizare şi îngrijire Mod de utilizare Observaţii înainte de utilizare UtilizareControlul electronic al vitezei Odată încheiată utilizarea aparatuluiTel Fig Storcător FigAccesoriu cană de bătut Fig Dispozitiv de siguranţă pentru protecţie termicăCurăţare Defecţiuni şi repararea lorPage Prepararea de alimente Tăiaţi anterior în cuburi de 1 cm. Mărunţiţi 30 s Уважаеми клиенти Основни частиСъвети и предупреждения за безопасност Място за ползване или работаЛична безопасност Използване и подръжкаНачин на употреба Преди употреба на уреда УпотребаЕлектронно регулиране на скоростта След употреба на уредаПриставки Приставка за кълцане Fig Приставка за разбиване на пяна FigПриставка цедка Fig Приставка миксер с чаша FigМеханизъм за автоматично изключване при прегряване ПочистванеНеизправности и ремонт Page Приготвяне на продуктите Работите директно върху продукта Намиращ се в тенджератаНарежете на кубчета от 1 см. и 300 400 400 300 200 Page Page Page 850 850Page Avda. Barcelona, s/n OlianaSpain

850 specifications

The Taurus Group 850 is a versatile and advanced multi-role platform that has gained significant prominence in various sectors, particularly in military and civil applications. This vehicle is designed to offer exceptional performance while ensuring optimal usability across different terrains and environments.

One of the key features of the Taurus Group 850 is its robust design, which is characterized by a sturdy chassis capable of withstanding harsh operational conditions. The vehicle is built to accommodate a variety of payloads, making it suitable for numerous roles, including transportation, logistics, and tactical support. Its capacity to adapt to different missions enhances its value in both civilian and defense applications.

The Taurus Group 850 is equipped with state-of-the-art technologies that set it apart from its competitors. It integrates an advanced propulsion system that provides high mobility, allowing it to navigate steep inclines and rough terrains with ease. Additionally, its all-wheel drive capability ensures excellent traction and stability, further enhancing its off-road performance.

Another significant aspect of the Taurus Group 850 is its advanced communication and navigation systems. The vehicle is fitted with cutting-edge GPS technology, enabling precise navigation and positioning in real-time. This feature is especially beneficial for military operations where accurate location tracking can be critical to mission success.

In terms of safety and protection, the Taurus Group 850 boasts reinforced armor that can be customized based on operational needs. The vehicle can be equipped with mine-resistant features to safeguard its occupants from explosive threats, making it an ideal choice for conflict zones.

The Taurus Group 850 prioritizes crew comfort and ergonomics as well. The interior is designed to accommodate multiple personnel, and it's outfitted with modern amenities that enhance operational efficiency and reduce fatigue during prolonged missions.

Its modular design allows for easy maintenance and adaptability, enabling organizations to tailor the vehicle's capabilities to their specific requirements. This flexibility is a significant advantage for operators seeking a reliable platform that can evolve with changing mission parameters.

Overall, the Taurus Group 850 stands out as a dynamic and functional multi-role vehicle that combines durability, advanced technology, and adaptability, making it an invaluable asset across various sectors. Its blend of performance characteristics ensures that it meets the demands of both military and civilian users alike, solidifying its reputation in the competitive landscape of tactical vehicles.