Explanation of Fault Analysis
In the following scenario, a ServiceOffering, DNSService, consists of a DNS server, DNSServer, that is hosted by host3.example.com. The DNS service, is subscribed to by ACMECorp, a customer of the service provider. In this scenario, Application Connectivity Monitor might diagnose the following problems:
•DNS Server Down
•DNS Server Degraded
•Host Unresponsive
When Application Connectivity Monitor diagnoses one of these problems, Service Assurance Manager notifies an Impact notification for the DNSService and ACMECorp elements. The Impact notifications are displayed in the Notification Log, the Business Services Map, and the Impact tab of Notification Properties dialog.
Figure 8 shows a Business Services Map for this scenario. A problem in DNSServer propagates to the related ServiceOffering and ServiceSubscriber elements. The severity of the problem in DNSServer is reflected in the status of the related business elements.
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