Setting Oven Controls
Warm & Hold TM
Warm & Hold will keep cooked foods warm for serving up to 3 hours after cooking has finished. After 3 hours the
Warm & Hold will
FOOD POISONING HAZARD. Do not let food sit for more than one hour before or after cooking. Doing so can result in food poisoning or sickness. Foods that can easily spoil such as mill<, eggs, fish, meat or poultry, should be chilled in the refrigerator first. Even when chilled, they should not stand in the oven for more than I hour before cooking begins, and should be removed promptly when finished cooking.
Example; to set Warm & Hold:
1.If needed, arrange interior oven racks and place cooked food in oven.
2.Press Warm & Hold key pad. HLd will appear in the display. If no further key pads are touched within 25 seconds the request for Warm & Hold will clear.
3.Press STARTWarm. & Hold will automatically turn off after 3 hours.
To turn Warm & Hold off at any time press STOP.
Example; to add Warm & Hold to turn ON automatically after baking 45 minutes with default oven set
temperature of 350°F:
1.Press Cook Time key pad.
2.Enter 4 5 using numeric key pads.
3.Press STARTtO accept.
4.Press Bake key pad.
5.Press STA_ to accept.
6.Press Warm & Hold key pad. HLd will appear in the display.
7.Press STARTtO accept. When the cool<time runs out, the
Warm & Hold will turn ON automatically. Warm &
Hold will automatically turn off after 3 hours.
Important notes:
"Warm & Hold will maintain the oven temperature at 170 ° F (77°C) for 3 hours.
"Warm & Hold may be set when finished cooking or may
be added to automatically turn on after cooking using Cook Time. Delay Start may also be added.
Recipe Recall
Use the Recipe Recall feature to record and recall your favorite baking recipe settings. This feature may store and recall up to 3 different recipe settings using the numeric key pads ], 2 and 3. Recipe Recall may be programmed
for any baking temperature between 170°F (77°C) to 550°F (288°C).
Example; to store a recipe setting using the number 3 key pad. Recipe in example is for bake at 325°F with a 45 minute cook time:
1.Press Recipe Recall key pad.
2.Press 3 key pad to store the recipe.
3.Press 3 2 5 using the numeric key pads to enter oven temperature.
4.Press :START.
5.Press Cook Time key pad.
6.Press 4 5 using numeric key pads to enter cool< time.
7. Press and hold | until a tone sounds (about 3 |
seconds). The tone indicates that the recipe setting has been recorded for future recall.
8. Press STOP.Important note; The oven willautomatically
start heating with the recorded recipe unless STOP iS pressed at this time.
Example = to recall recipe stored in the example shown above. Recipe is for bake at 325°F for 45 minutes:
1.Position cookware in oven and close door.
2.Press Recipe Recall key pad.
3.Press 3 key pad to recall the stored recipe, if the recipe was stored using the ] or 2 numeric key pads, press that key pad instead.
4.Press STY. The oven will begin to cool< with the
programmed recipe, if Cool< Time was recorded this feature will also recall the cooking time.
To cancel Recipe Recall at anytime press sToP.
important notes:
"The Recipe Recall stores bake recipes only. This feature will not work with Delay Start.
"If a recalled recipe includes Cook Time the oven will