Weed Eater FL1500 LE H, 358.79489 manual Consequential Damages Weed

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tions, or the use of parts not made or ap- proved by the original equipment manufactur- er, You are responsible for presenting your small off-road engine to a WEED EATER au- thorized repair center as soon as a problem exists, Warranty repairs should be completed in a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed 30 days, if you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and responsibilities, you

should contact your nearest authorized ser-

vice center or call WEED EATER at

1-800-554-6723. WARRANTY COM-

MENCEMENT DATE: The warranty period begins on the date the small off-road engine

is purchased. LENGTH OF COVERAGE: This warranty shall be for a period of two years from the initial date of purchase, WHAT

IS COVERED: REPAIR OR REPLACE- MENT OF PARTS. Repair or replacement of any warranted part will be performed at no charge to the owner at an approved WEED EATER servicing center. If you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and

responsibilities, you should contact your nearest authorized service center or call

WEED EATER at 1-800-554-6723. WAR-

RANTY PERIOD: Any warranted part which is not scheduled for replacement as required maintenance, or which is scheduled only for regular inspection to the effect of"repair or re- place as necessary" shall be warranted for 2 years, Any warranted part which is scheduled

for replacement as required maintenance shall be warranted for the period of time up to the first scheduled replacement poh_t for that

part. DIAGNOSIS: The owner shall not be charged for diagnostic labor which leads to the determination that a warranted part is de-

This engine is certified to be emissions compliant

_i_ Moderate (50 hours)

[] intermediate (125 hours)

[] Extended (300 hours)

fective if the diagnostic work is performed at an approved WEED EATER servicing center,


EATER may be liable for damages to other engine components caused by the failure of a warranted part still under warranty. WHAT IS

NOT COVERED: All failures caused by

abuse, neglect, or improper maintenance are

not covered, ADD-ON OR MODIFIED

PARTS: The use of add-on or modified parts

can be grounds for disallowing a warranty claim. WEED EATER is net liable to cover faiF

ures of warranted parts caused by the use of add-on or modified parts. HOW TO FILE A CLAIM: if you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and responsibilities, you

should contact your nearest authorized ser-

vice center or call WEED EATER at

1-800-554-6723, WHERE TO GET WAR-

RANTY SERVICE: Warranty services or re- pairs shall be provided at all WEED EATER

service centers. Call 1-800-554-6723.


Any WEED EATER approved replacement part used in the performance of any warranty maintenance or repair on emission related parts will be provided without charge to the

owner if the part is under warranty. EMIS-

SION CONTROL WARRANTY PARTS LIST: Carburetor, Ignition System: Spark Plug (covered up to maintenance schedule), ignition Module, Muffler including Catalyst, Fuel Tank (California only), MAINTENANCE

STATEMENT: The owner is responsible for the performance of all required maintenance as defined in the instruction manual.

for the following use:


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Contents Manual de Instrucciones Manuel dlnstructions LO3O Stevens Creek Road Augusta, GAVio Handle Fuel with CAUTION, IT is Highly Flammable Know Your UnitPlan Ahead Operate Your Unit SafelyAssembly Blower TubeBefore Starting Engine Throttle LeverPrimer Bulb Choke LeverStarting a Warm Engine Difficult Starting or starting a Flooded engine Check for Loose Fasteners and Parts Clean AIR Filter General Recommendations Check for Damaged or Worn PartsTroubleshootingtable Trouble Cause RemedyWeed EATER, Owners Warranty Your Warranty Rights and OBManufacturers Warranty COV Weed EaterConsequential Damages Weed Page Extremo CUIDADO, ES Alta Mente Inflamable Advertenoia Inspeccione elTrabaje a Salvo CON EL Aparato Inspeccionefrecuentementelaaberturade NuncapongaeaparatoenmarchasintonerTodoelequipocorrespondienteinstaladoAI SiempreconelmotordetenidoylabujiadesAdvertencia Aseg0rese de Para Parar EL Motor Advertencia Es ObligaAbastecimiento DEL Motor Motor caliente despues de quedar Sin combustibleLimpie EL Filtro DE Aire Inspeccione Y Limpie EL APARA- to Y SUS PlacasVerificar QUE no Haya Piezas Daiiadas NI Gastadas Estacional Almacenaje Cambie LA BujiaInspeccione EL Silenciador Y LA Rejilla Antichispa Sistema DE CombustibleSintoma Tabla DiagnosticaAdvertencia CausaSUS Dereohos Y Obligaoiones DE No SER Aplicables EN SU CasoEmplazo Y Reparaoion DE Piezas Page FAMILIARISEZ-VOUS Avec Votre Appareil Utilisation Sicuritaire DE Votre AppareilAvis Special Installation DU Tube DE Souf FleuseBON Entretien DE Votre Appa Reil MontageAvertissement Enlevez le ca DleMARRAGE DU Moteur MAVERTISSEMENT Lors du deArreter LE Moteur Dcmarrage DUN Moteur FroidAvertissement Le silencieux Dispositif DU Carburant Avertissement Executez lesMoteur Probleme RemedyDroits ET Obligations DE Votre GA DommagesindirectsouPiices Ajouties OU Modifies Luti Pieces Garantes Relatives AU