Weed Eater 358.79489 manual Throttle Lever, Primer Bulb, Before Starting Engine, Choke Lever

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The throttle lever is used to select the desired

engine speed and to stop the engine. To stop engine, move the throttle lever to the STOP position,


The PRIMER BULB removes air from the car- buretor and fuel lines and fills them with fuel.

This allows you to start the engine with fewer








• To reduce the risk of hearing loss associated with sound level(s), hearing protection is required,

Operate power equipment only at reasonable hours-not early in the morning or late at night when people might be disturbed. Comply with times listed in local ordinances. Usual recom- mendations are 9:00 a.m, to 5:00 p,m., Monday though Saturday,

To reduce noise levels, operate power blowers at the lowest possible throttle speed to do the job,

To reduce noise levels, limit the number of pieces of equipment used at any one time.

Use rakes and brooms to loosen debris be- fore blowing,

In dusty conditions, slightly dampen sur- faces when water is available,

Conserve water by using power blowers instead of hoses for many lawn and garden applications, including areas such as gutters, screens, patios, grills, porches, and gardens.

Watch out for children, pets, open windows, or freshly washed cars. Blow debris away safely.

Use the full blower tube extension so the air stream can work close to the ground.

After using blowers and other equipment, CLEAN UP! Dispose of debris in trash re- ceptacles.


_WARNING: Be sure to read the fuel

information in the safety rules before you begin, if you do not understand the safety rules, do not attempt to fuel your unit, Call 1-800-554-6723.


pulls on the starter rope, Activate the primer bulb by pressing it and allowing it to return to its original form.


The CHOKE he_ps to supply fuel to the engine to aid in cold starting. The CHOKE OFF posi- tion is used for full speed operation, The 1/2 position is used for a brief initial warm-up peri- od and to set the engine at idle speed,


_'WARNING: Remove fuel cap slowly when refueling.



\ To°btainthecorrectoilmix


) ratio, Pour 3.2 ounces

of I

2-cycle synthetic



One gallon Of fresh



This engine is certified to operate on un- leaded gasoline. Before operation, gasoline must be mixed with a good quality synthetic

2-cycle air-cooled engine oil designed to be mixed at a ratio of 40:1, Poulan/WEED EATER

brand synthetic oil is recommended, Mix gaso- lineand oilata ratio of 40:1, A40:1 ratio is ob-

tained by mixing 3.2 ounces (95 ml) of oil with 1 gallon (4 liters) of unleaded gasoline, DO NOT USE automotive oil or boat oil. These oils will cause engine damage. When mixing fuel, fol- low instructions printed on container, Once oil is added to gasoline, shake container mo- mentarily to assure that the fuel is thoroughly mixed. Always read and follow the safety rules relating to fuel before fueling your unit.


Experience indicates that alcohol blended fuels (called gasohol or using ethanol or methanol) can attract moisture which leads to separation and formation of acids during stor- age. Acidic gas can damage the fuel system of an engine while in storage. To avoid engine problems, empty the fuel system before stor- age for 30 days or longer. Drain the gas tank, start the engine and let it run until the fuel lines and carburetor are empty. Use fresh fuel next season, Never use engine or carburetor cleaner products in the fuel tank or permanent damage may occur.


To stop the engine, move the throttle lever to the STOP position.


AO&WARNING: You MUST make sure the tube is secure before using the unit.

Fuel engine. Move at least 10 feet (3 me- ters) away from the fueling site,

Hold the unit in the starting position as shown. Make sure the blower end is di-

rected away from people, animals, glass, and solid objects.

Image 5
Contents LO3O Stevens Creek Road Augusta, GA Manual de Instrucciones Manuel dlnstructions Vio Plan Ahead Know Your UnitHandle Fuel with CAUTION, IT is Highly Flammable Operate Your Unit SafelyBlower Tube AssemblyPrimer Bulb Throttle LeverBefore Starting Engine Choke LeverDifficult Starting or starting a Flooded engine Starting a Warm EngineGeneral Recommendations Clean AIR FilterCheck for Loose Fasteners and Parts Check for Damaged or Worn PartsTrouble Cause Remedy TroubleshootingtableManufacturers Warranty COV Your Warranty Rights and OBWeed EATER, Owners Warranty Weed EaterConsequential Damages Weed Page Trabaje a Salvo CON EL Aparato Advertenoia Inspeccione elExtremo CUIDADO, ES Alta Mente Inflamable TodoelequipocorrespondienteinstaladoAI NuncapongaeaparatoenmarchasintonerInspeccionefrecuentementelaaberturade SiempreconelmotordetenidoylabujiadesAdvertencia Aseg0rese de Abastecimiento DEL Motor Advertencia Es ObligaPara Parar EL Motor Motor caliente despues de quedar Sin combustibleVerificar QUE no Haya Piezas Daiiadas NI Gastadas Inspeccione Y Limpie EL APARA- to Y SUS PlacasLimpie EL Filtro DE Aire Inspeccione EL Silenciador Y LA Rejilla Antichispa Cambie LA BujiaEstacional Almacenaje Sistema DE CombustibleAdvertencia Tabla DiagnosticaSintoma CausaNo SER Aplicables EN SU Caso SUS Dereohos Y Obligaoiones DEEmplazo Y Reparaoion DE Piezas Page Utilisation Sicuritaire DE Votre Appareil FAMILIARISEZ-VOUS Avec Votre AppareilBON Entretien DE Votre Appa Reil Installation DU Tube DE Souf FleuseAvis Special MontageAvertissement Enlevez le ca Arreter LE Moteur MAVERTISSEMENT Lors du deDleMARRAGE DU Moteur Dcmarrage DUN Moteur FroidAvertissement Le silencieux Moteur Avertissement Executez lesDispositif DU Carburant Remedy ProblemeDommagesindirectsou Droits ET Obligations DE Votre GAPieces Garantes Relatives AU Piices Ajouties OU Modifies Luti