Service and support solutions
The Service & Support Web site at http://service.symantec.com supports Symantec products. Customer Service helps with nontechnical issues such as orders, upgrades, replacements, and rebates. Technical Support helps with technical issues such as installing, configuring, or troubleshooting Symantec products.
Methods of technical support and customer service can vary by region. For information on support offerings in your region, check the appropriate Web site listed in the sections that follow.
If you received this product when you purchased your computer, your computer manufacturer may be responsible for providing your support.
Customer service
The Service & Support Web site at
http://service.symantec.com tells you how to:
1Subscribe to Symantec newsletters.
1Locate resellers and consultants in your area.
1Update your product registration.
1Find out about orders, returns, or a rebate status.
1Access Customer Service FAQs.
1Post a question to a Customer Service representative.
1Obtain product information, literature, or trialware.
For upgrade orders, visit the Symantec Store at: