Multiquip MQP20P manual BaTTeRY SaFeTY, ENviRONMeNTal SaFeTY

Page 11

Safety Information



„DO NOT drop the battery. There is a possibility that the battery will explode.

„DO NOT expose the battery to open fl ames, sparks, cigarettes, etc.The battery contains combustible gases and liquids. If these

gases and liquids come into contact with a fl ame or spark, an explosion could occur.


„ alWaYS wear safety glasses when handling the battery to avoid eye irritation.The battery contains acids that can cause injury to the eyes and skin.

„Use well-insulated gloves when picking up the battery.

„alWaYS keep the battery charged. If the battery is not charged, combustible gas will build up.

„alWaYS recharge the battery in a well-ventilated environment to avoid the risk of a dangerous concentration of combustible gasses.

„If the battery liquid (dilute sulfuric acid) comes into contact with clothing or skin, rinse skin or clothing immediately with plenty of water.

„If the battery liquid (dilute sulfuric acid) comes into contact with eyes, rinse eyes immediately with plenty of water and contact the nearest doctor or hospital to seek medical attention.


„alWaYS disconnect the NegaTive battery terminal before performing service on the generator.

„alWaYS keep battery cables in good working condition. Repair or replace all worn cables.



„Dispose of hazardous waste properly. Examples of potentially hazardous waste are used motor oil, fuel and fuel fi lters.

„DO NOT use food or plastic containers to dispose of hazardous waste.

„DO NOT pour waste, oil or fuel directly onto the ground, down a drain or into any water source.

MQP20P STANDBY GENERATOR • operation and parts manual — rev. #1 (11/28/11) — page 11

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Contents Model MQP20P Diesel engine exhaust and some Proposition 65 warningPage MQP20P Standby Generator Table of ContentsChoose from three easy options SaFeTY MeSSageS Safety InformationGeNeRaTOR SaFeTY GeNeRal SaFeTYRestricted. If the air fl ow is ENgiNe SaFeTYTOWiNg SaFeTY Fuel SaFeTYPower Cord/Cable Safety EleCTRiCal SaFeTYGrounding Safety ENviRONMeNTal SaFeTY BaTTeRY SaFeTYSpecifications Dimensions Typical Generator Grounding Application InstallationGenerator Grounding Outdoor InstallationIndoor Installation MountingCamlok outlet box panel General informationGenerator ElectrONIC Governor System Principle of operationEngine Item no Description Major componentsBasic Engine Components Basic engine componentsMicroprocessor Engine Controller MEC Digital controller panelOutlet connectors Connector outlet box and main circuit breakerGenerator Amperage Single Phase LoadLoad application/generator output Fuel Check Inspection/setupRefueling Procedure Lubrication OilFuel Expands Coolant Antifreeze/summer coolant Cleaning the RadiatorAir Cleaner Fan Belt Tension BatteryPiping and Hose Connection Battery Cable InstallationWiring AlternatorStarting Manual Starting Auto ModeStartup Before StartingEmergency Shutdown Procedure Normal Shutdown ProcedureBattery Charger and Jacket Water Heater Power Connections JacketWater Heater and Internal Battery ChargerProtective devices Protective devicesTransporting TransportingGeneral Inspection Air Filter MaintenanceAir Filter Dust Indicator Fuel Tank Inspection Cleaning Inside the Fuel TankFuel Addition Removing Water from the Fuel TankPotentiometers Radiator CleaningVoltage regulator adjustments Flushing Out Radiator and Replacing CoolantGenerator Storage Adjustment ProcedureTroubleshooting Generator Troubleshooting GeneratorTroubleshooting Engine Troubleshooting engineTroubleshooting MEC20 Controller Troubleshooting controllerImproper calibration? Troubleshooting Voltage Regulator Troubleshooting Voltage RegulatorMaintenance Parts Locator Control BOX Generator Wiring Diagram single phaseCircuit Breaker BOX Generator Wiring Diagram three phase 505 K1 Explanation of Code in Remarks Column MQP20P with Perkins 404D-22 Diesel Engine 1 to 3 units Suggested Spare PartsHousing assy Part Name Engine and Generator Mounting assy GENERATOR, 30KW Fuel assy Part Name QTY Remarks Electrical assy BOLT, BATTERY, 10.38 Jacket Water HEater assy BRACKET, MOUNTING, Heater Solenoid assy BRACKET, Starter Solenoid Radiator assy Guard Air filter assy Cover Engine exhaust assy Exhaust Flex Engine Oil assy OIL Filler CAP Control panel assy PANEL, FRONT, Control Panel Controller assy MODULE, Output Expan MEC 2/20 W/CABLE Saddlebox assy Phase Units Circuit breaker assy Ground Camlok assy HousingCOVER, HINGED, Black FReigHT pOliCY Terms and Conditions of Sale PartsPage HERE’S HOW to GET Help