One-man sawmill with chain saw engine
Install chain saw and bar (FIG. 28)
1.Install the chain and bar on the chain saw, see the chain saw operator’s manual. Replace the saw’s bar nuts with two extended bar nuts (A).
2.Screw in the Allen screws (B) a little way into the bar nuts.
3.Screw the nuts onto the three bolts on the underside of the vibration damping plate (9).
4.Install the vibration damping plate in the saddle on the saw carriage using a nut on each side of the hole. Adjust the position of the saw with the nuts.
5.Lift the saw into position on the vibration damping plate and align the Allen screws in the ‘keyholes’ on the vibration damping plate (9).
6.Tighten the Allen screws with an Allen key.
One-man sawmill with electric motor
Install the bar (FIG. 29)
Install the chain and bar on the motor unit as follows:
1.Secure the chain around the motor unit’s sprocket. Ensure that its teeth correspond with the direction of rotation according to the arrow (A).
2.Position the bar and thread the chain around the bar. CAUTION! Ensure that the tip of the tension screw’s nut (B) fits into the hole on the bar.
3.Install the guide (C) and loosely tighten the two bar bolts (just so that there is no play on the bar).
4.Adjust the chain using the tension screw. Tighten to a torque of 30 Nm.
5.The direction of rotation is changed using the phase inverter (D).
One-man sawmill with electric motor and feed (FIG. 30)
Install the control unit and electric motor as follows.
1.Install the feed unit at the end of the rails.
2.Insert the cable with the connecting nipple through the profile by the feed unit.
3.Route the cable around the adjuster pulley (A) at the other end and route it back to the saw carriage.
4.Wind the cable once around the wheel (FIG. 31 E) on the feed motor.
5.Connect the cable in the connector (FIG. 31 B). CAUTION! The spring must be facing the feed unit.
6.Connect the connector in the saw carriage (FIG. 31 C).
7.Tension the cable and lock the adjuster pulley (FIG. 31 D) so that the spring stretches approximately 5 mm.
FIG. 28 |
A |
B |
9 |
FIG. 29 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
FIG. 30 |
FIG. 31 | C |
| B |
| E |
| D |
| A |