Preconfigured Parameters 11
■Text-To-Speech Email Reader — Supported with enterprise VCX
■Global Voicemail Integration — Supported with enterprise VCX
Preconfigured Parameters VCX Connect servers have these parameters preconfigured at the factory
for simpler installation and configuration:
■Sample Telephone Extensions — 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003
■Sample User Names — Sample Receptionist, Sample User1, Sample
User2, Sample User3
■Telephone Profiles — Executive, Fax-Modem, No-Longdistance,
No-Longdistand-No-Voicemail, No-Voicemail, Standard
■Routes to IP Messaging — Voicemail and Music on Hold extensions
■Sample System Speed Dial — 918005551212
■Sample Paging Group — SamplePageGroup
3Com recommends that you do not modify these samples. Instead, keep
them for reference and create new items based on the samples.
CAUTION: Before you create any new parameters, modify the network
parameters of your VCX Connect servers so that the new parameters use
the new IP addresses. For instructions on how to change the network
parameters of a VCX Connect server, see the appropriate section in the
next chapter:
■Installing a Primary and Secondary Pair of VCX Connect Servers
■Installing a Single (Primary) VCX Connect Server
■Installing an Add-On Secondary VCX Connect Server
Hardware Platfo rms The VCX Connect product provides IP Telephony and IP Messaging
services and is offered on these hardware platforms:
■VCX Connect 100 Server
■VCX Connect 200 Server
VCX Connect 100
The VCX Connect 100 server runs the VCX Linux Operating System and
provides IP Telephony and IP Messaging services. The base configuration