importing data, file formats 44
installation overview
adding a secondary server 27
primary and secondary servers 17
primary server only 23
installing a license key
adding a secondary server 30
primary and secondary servers 22
primary server only 26
installing servers
add-on secondary server 27
primary and secondary server pair 17
single (primary) server 23
internet support 76
IP Messaging configuration 42
IP Telephony configuration 40
Knowledgebase 75
license keys 76
maintenance releases 76
moving the VCX Connect servers and media
primary and secondary servers 21
primary server only 26
secondary server 30
networking sample script 55
obtaining a license 15
obtaining technical support 76
online problem solving 75
application access 46
changing 46
VCX Administrator 46
adding a secondary server 28
primary and secondary servers 18
primary server only 23
product registration 75, 76
Professional Services from 3Com 76
purchasing license keys 76
purchasing software upgrades 76
reconfiguration sample script 60
reconfiguring the secondary server
when adding a secondary server 32
when installing a primary and secondary pair of
servers 20
registering your product 75, 76, 77
repair authorization number by FAX, Asia and Pacific
Rim 78
repair services 76
repair support for Latin America 78
repair support for US and Canada 79
repair support, Europe, Middle East, and Africa 78
requirements, when connecting a USB device 52
resource files 44
restarting the servers
after adding a secondary server 37
restoring the VCX database on the secondary server,
when adding a secondary server 34
Restricted Software 76
return authorization number (RMA) 77
RMA numbers 77
sample scripts
networking 55
reconfiguration 60
sending products to 3Com for repair 77
server access methods 14
service benefits 75, 77
services, repair 76
setting up VCX database replication, when installing
primary and secondary Servers 22
software upgrade 49
software upgrades contract 76
solving problems online 75
support, e-mail 76
support, internet 76
support, technical 76
supported configurations 12
supported file systems, on USB devices 51
system configuration