primary and secondary servers 22
primary server only 26
Ttable of 3Com support contact numbers 76
technical support, Asia and Pacific Rim 77
technical support, Europe, Middle East, and
Africa 78
telephone support 76
telephone technical support 76
telephone technical support for Latin America 78
telephone technical support for US and Canada 79
telephone technical support, Asia and Pacific
Rim 77
telephone technical support, Europe, Middle East,
and Africa 78
troubleshooting a USB device connection
USB devices
troubleshooting 53
Uunsupported features 9
upgrading VCX software 49
USB devices
disconnecting 52
requirements 52
supported file systems 51
users, adding 43
VVCX Administrator Web Passwords 46
VCX Connect 100 Server 11
VCX Connect 200 Server 12
Wwarranty registration 75