Obtaining a License 15
■Alternatively, use the ssh (secure shell) UNIX/Linux command to
connect to the server. This command is available on most UNIX- or
Linux-based systems. If you are using a Microsoft Windows PC you
can install the Cygwin tools. Cygwin provides a Linux-like environment
for Microsoft Windows.
For information on how to download and install the Cygwin tools on your
Windows PC, access this URL: http://www.cygwin.com/
The PuTTY, Tera Term Pro, and ssh connection methods can also be used
to perform any reconfiguration after the network configuration has been
performed on the servers and they are connected to the network.
Obtaining a License VCX Connect 100 and VCX Connect 200 servers come from the factory
with pre-installed licenses that support:
■25 telephones
■25 voice mailboxes
To support additional telephones or voice mailboxes, you must purchase
additional telephone and/or voice mailbox licenses. The instructions on
how to obtain additional licenses can be found in the VCX Installation
Guide. Refer to the License Key topic in Chapter 1.
CAUTION: License keys are installed on both the primary and secondary
servers. If you have installed a primary server only and later you want to
add a secondary server, the secondary server license capacity must match
the parameters of the primary server license key (the same number of
telephones, voice mailboxes, and so on). If the license key on the
secondary server does not match and the primary becomes unavailable
for any reason, system operation switches to the secondary server but the
Tabl e 3 Terminal Emulation Program Parameters
VCX Connect 100 Server VCX Connect 200 Server
VT100 emulation mode VT100 emulation mode
115, 200 Baud 9,600 Baud
8 data bits 8 data bits
1 stop bit 1 stop bit
No parity No Parity
No flow control No flow control