Some parameters of the VCX Connect product are preconfigured at the
factory. This section describes:
■Modifications that you must perform to tailor the preconfigured
parameters to your needs
■Additional steps that you perform to complete the installation of the
VCX Connect product
This chapter includes these topics:
■IP Telephony Configuration on page40
■IP Messaging Configuration on page 42
■Additional Configuration Steps on page 43
■Resource Files on page 44
■Configuring Telephones on page45
■Additional Adminstrative Tasks on page45
■About VCX Administrator Web Passwords on page 46
■About the IP Messaging Provisioning Password on page 47
CAUTION: This document refers to detailed instructions found in the
“VCX 7.1 Administration Guide.” The VCX Connect product does not
include all of the VCX features that are described in that guide. For a list
of differences, see “Differences Between VCX Connect and Enterprise
VCX” on page 9.