System Administrator’s Guide U42252-J-Z915-1-76
Installation and Configuration Configuration
In the configuration directory /nsr/oracle/${ORACLE_SID} on request a directory
is created for each weekday (monday, tuesday,...), and the directory
${ORACLE_SID}_full_save is created for full backups. If the database is running,
all tablespaces that are currently active are entered in the
${ORACLE_SID}_full_save file. In addition, directories are created for temporary
files (./tmp), protocol files (./prot) and for the NSR-ORA configuration file
In the directories named after weekdays, the names of the tablespaces that you
want to store on these days are stored interactively in the form of empty files.
You can change or add to your backup schedule at any time after configuration
with the tool configure_nsrora, e.g. by deleting tablespaces (i.e. removing the
empty tablespace files with the shell command rm) or adding them (i.e. creating
new tablespace files with the touch command). If you add new tablespace files,
note that the owner of these files must be $ORACLE_OWNER and their group
must be $ORACLE_GROUP.
Finally the NSR-ORA configuration file dbo${ORACLE_SID}.init is created inter-
actively and entered in the directory /nsr/oracle/${ORACLE_SID}/config. You will
be asked for several parameters which were described in section “Parameters
for configure_nsrora” (NetWorker server, backup compression, minimum and
maximum number of offline redolog files, time interval for the archiving monitor
daemon, mirror server for the archiving monitor, and so on). Afterwards you can
still edit the file dbo${ORACLE_SID}.init, if for example you do not like the
suggested names for the NetWorker groups.
Furthermore the parameters NSR_INST, ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_GROUP
are stored in the file shell_variables_for_${ORACLE_SID} in the config directory.
4.3.4 Parameters for configure_nsrora
When you call the configure_nsrora configuration tool NSR-ORA will ask you to
set up the following parameters (depending on the existing configuration the
order may vary).
Oracle Parameters
In a first instance the parameters required for the ORACLE database are to be