If selected the AP that listed in the WPS Profile List field, users can click the Detail button to see more AP information.
SSID: Shows the connected AP network name.
BSSID: The MAC address of the connected AP. Fixed and cannot be changed.
Authentication Type: The authentication type support Open,
Encryption Type: For Open authentication mode, the selection of encryption type are NONE and WEP. For
Key Length: Only valid when using Open authentication mode and WEP encryption. There are key lengths 5, 10, 13 and 26.
Key Index: Only valid when using Open authentication mode and WEP encryption. There are 1~4 key index.
Key Material: The key material can be used to ensure the security of the wireless network. Fill in the appropriate value or phrase in Key Material field.
Show Password: Check this box to show the passwords that have been entered.
OK: Click to save and apply the new settings.
Cancel: Click to leave and discard the settings.
Command to connect to the selected network inside credentials. The active selected credential is as like as the active selected Profile.
Command to rotate to connect to the next network inside credentials.
Stop WPS action and disconnect this active link. And then select the last profile at the Profile Page. If there is an empty profile page, the driver will select any
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