Beacon (ms)
TX Power
Idle time(60-3600)(s)
Authentication Type: There are several types of authentication modes including Open, Shared,
Encryption Type: For Open and Shared authentication mode, the selections of encryption type are Not Use and WEP. For
WEP Key: Only valid when using WEP encryption algorithm. The key must match with the AP’s key. There are four formats to enter the keys.
•ASCII (64 bits): 5 ASCII characters (case sensitivity).
•ASCII (128 bits): 13 ASCII characters (case sensitivity).
•Hexadecimal (64 bits): 10 Hex characters (0~9, a~f).
•Hexadecimal (128 bits): 26 Hex characters (0~9, a~f).
Show Password: Check this box to show the passwords that have been entered.
The time between two beacons. (The system default is 100 ms.)
Manually force the AP transmits power from the pull down list 100%, 75%, 50%, 25% and Lowest. (The system default is 100%.)
It represents that the AP will idle after few seconds. The time must be set between 60~3600 seconds. (Default value of idle time is 300 seconds.)
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