F8x86_64 on the Acer Ferrari 3400LMi
echo n $"Searching for remote Bluetooth device ${BTNAME}..." BTADDR=`hcitool scan grep "${BTNAME}" awk '{print $1}'` [ "${BTADDR}" ] && success failure
# Find the Dial Up Networking channel
echo n $"Searching for Dial Up Networking service..." DUN=`sdptool search bdaddr ${BTADDR} DUN \
awk '/Channel/ {print $2}'` [ "${DUN}" ] && success failure
#Bind the rfcomm port to the DUN channel
echo n $"Binding /dev/rfcomm${RFPORT} to DUN channel ${DUN}..." rfcomm bind ${RFPORT} ${BTADDR} ${DUN} \
&& success failure