2-9 Disassemble Color
Wheel Module
1. Unscrew 2 screws (as red circle) to disassemble the Color Wheel Module.
2.Unscrew 1 screw (as blue circle) to disassemble the Photo Sensor Board from the Color Wheel Module.
Note: - Avoid touching the glass parts of Color
2-10 Disassemble DMD Chip
and DMD Board
1.Unscrew 2 screws (as red circle) to disassemble the Heat Sink and DMD Module.
2.Rotate the screw (as yellow circle) 180° counterclockwise to disassemble the DMD Board and DMD Chip.
Note: - Avoid touching the DMD Chip when you disassemble it.
-Pay attention to the fixed position when assembling the DMD Chip.
NOTE: Circuit boards > 10 cm² has been highlighted with the yellow rectangle as above image shows. Please detach the Circuit boards and follow local regulations for disposal.
X1161/X1261/X1161A/X1161N/X110/H5360 Confidential