Actron 9640 user manual Playback, 1DTC, Codes Present YES, Frame

Models: 9640

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GM Historic (OBD I) Diagnostics


The Playback function is used to playback a Record Data recording. This function is very similar to View Data. The only difference is that View Data is a real time viewing of PIDs, while Playback is a viewing of previously recorded PIDs.

Select Playback from the Review Data




screen and press ENTER:





` 2)Playback


If a recording does not exist in the tool memory, then the tool will display a “NO RECORDING PRESENT” message. Perform “Record Data” on page 5-5.

Select which list to playback. Refer to “Viewing Data” on page 3-11 of Using The Scan Tool for Entire or Custom Data Lists.

Playback Data As ? 1)Entire Data List

`2)Custom Data List


The Playback screen has a Vehicle


Data List header to mark the beginning of the data list. The recorded PIDs are displayed next. Line 4 displays the Frame number and Time in seconds.

• Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to


Data List


scroll through the data line by line.

The end of the list is reached when





the DOWN arrow icon is not visible.



• The LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys are


1 Time:



used to increase or decrease the

Frame/Time index. Time 0.0 is the

trigger point, when the user pressed ENTER. A time interval with a minus sign (–) occurs before the trigger point.

The tool recording time varies. A recording consists of 5 frames of data prior to the trigger and several frames after the trigger. The number of PIDs recorded will determine the number of frames.

After reaching the last time interval recorded. The Time display will change from data recorded after trigger to data recorded before. This is normal. The LEFT/RIGHT arrows may be used to scroll through all time intervals in either direction.

Some vehicles will wait 3 to 4 minutes after the driveability problem first occurs before storing a trouble code in the vehicle’s on-board computer. If you selected Trigger On Codes when you made your recording, you might not see any drastic change in data parameters before and after the trigger point. In cases like this, it is better to manually trigger the start of the recording when the driveability symptom is first observed.

To change the selections of Custom Data List parameters, press the BACK key. This will return to the Custom Data List selection display screens. When done, press BACK to return to Review Data or FUNC to return to the GM Function List.

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Actron 9640 user manual Playback, 1DTC, Codes Present YES, Frame