Actron 9640 user manual BOO-Brake, On?, Canst Purge ECT Sensorv Frame16 Time 24.7~

Models: 9640

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Ford Historic Self-Test Routines

After selecting the data List type, press




the ENTER key to start playing back the

recorded data.

Canst Purge



ECT Sensor(v)






The Playback Data screen has a Vehicle Data List header that marks the

beginning of the data list. On the Playback Data screen, lines 1-3 are used to display vehicle data parameters. The fourth line displays the Frame number and Time in seconds.


Negative frames and timestamps indicate data recorded before the trigger


event. Positive frames and timestamps indicate data recorded after the trigger




Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to view the recorded PID data of each frame. The


end of the list is reached when only the ] (up) icon is visible.


Use the LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys to scroll back and forth through the frames.


The RIGHT arrow key advances to the next frame, “wrapping around” to the


earliest frame when the final frame is reached. The LEFT arrow key goes back


to the previous frame, again “wrapping around” to the final frame.


After reaching the last time interval recorded. The Time display will


change from data recorded after trigger to data recorded before. This is


normal. The LEFT/RIGHT arrows may be used to scroll through all time


intervals in either direction.



The Frame index is very similar to the Time index. A Frame is a “snapshot” of engine operating conditions at that moment. The Frame number increases every time the vehicle’s PCM transmits data across the communication link. Remember, not all Ford vehicles use the same number of PIDs. For this reason, not all vehicles will start and end with the same Frame number. The vehicles with less PIDs will have the greater Frame number range. Like the Time index, Frame 0 is the trigger point. Thus, negative Frame numbers contain data prior to the trigger point, and positive Frame numbers contain data after.

If you wish to change the Custom Data List parameters, press the BACK key to return to the Playback Data As: menu. When you have finished playing back a recording, press the FUNC key to return to the Ford Function List.

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Actron 9640 user manual BOO-Brake, On?, Canst Purge ECT Sensorv Frame16 Time 24.7~