Using terminal commands
CAUTION Do not change the frequency of your device without
reason. Apart from the fact that it may not communicate with the
network anymore, you may also violate the applicable radio-
communications laws in your country. Depending on the
destination country, some models may also return an error
message when trying to use this command.
APPLIES TO A720, A720B, A723
DESCRIPTION Sets/returns the operating frequency.
PARAMETERS The operating frequency and step (Hz), or none in the GET version.
RETURNS The actual frequency and step, in Hz.
REMOTE Yes, SET only.
EXAMPLE FREQ 433925000 25000
193 FREQ 0
193 FREQ 433925000 25000 0
APPLIES TO A720, A720B, A723
DESCRIPTION Sets/returns the Relative Signal Strength Indicator threshold at
which an RF receiver must wake up.
PARAMETERS The threshold value. For the A720 family, it can take values from 0
to 255; it is typically factory set to 58. For the A723, it typically fac-
tory set to 42.
RETURNS The instant RSSI value and the programmed threshold.
REMARKS The factory default is set to 58 units. The RSSI threshold is used to
detect if any radio activity is on the channel. The value set must be
approximately 30% higher than the actual measured value when
no signal is present on the channel. To measure the actual value,
use the command RSSI with no variables or parameters.