API Guide
2-56 API Functions 601355 Rev A
71 if (rc)
72 {
73 vst_print_archivemediaclass(h);
74 }
75 VS_ArchiveMediaClass_Destroy(h);
76 }
77 return(rc);
78 }
Notes The migration policy options for are no action, operator
notification, and automatic migration.
When the number of media in an archive media class reaches
the high mark threshold, VolServ:
• Does nothing if the migration policy option is set to none.
• Issues an operator message if the migration policy option is
set to notify.
• Initiates automatic migration of media if the migration
policy is set to migrate.
When the number of media in an archive media class drops to
the low mark threshold, VolServ:
• Does nothing if the migration policy option is set to none.
• Issues an operator message if the migration policy is set to