API Guide
601355 Rev A API Functions 2-453
Type Capacity
VS_TypeCapacity_SetFields sets the value of one or
more fields in a type capacity handle. A type capacity handle is
used to pass archive type capacity information to and from
Vol S e rv .
Synopsis VST_BOOLEAN VS_TypeCapacity_SetFields
Arguments handle = The type capacity handle where information is
stored or updated.
“…” = Variable length argument list consisting of pairs of
arguments. Each pair of arguments consists of a parameter
identifier, followed by the value of the field to store. The
parameter identifiers and types this function accepts are
shown in the following "Parameters" paragraph.
VSID_ENDFIELD = Required at the end of the variable
length argument list to indicate the end of the list.
Parame ters
Parameter Type Description
(VST_ARCHIVE_ACTION_OPTION) Action taken by VolServ when the number of
media of this media type classification
reaches the high mark threshold (migrate,
notify, or none). Valid
enumerated in the vs_types.h file.
VSID_ASSIGNED_BINS (VST_COUNT) Number of bins to be assigned to the media
type classification within the archive.