API Guide
2-392 API Functions 601355 Rev A
VSID_NUMBER_FIELDS (int *) Pointer to the number of field ids in the field
identifier table.
VSID_NUMBER_MEDIA_HANDLES (int *) Pointer to the number of media handles
present in the media handle table.
VSID_NUMBER_MEDIA_IDS (int *) Pointer to the number of media ids in the
media id table.
(int *) Pointer to the number of media class handles
in the media class handle table.
(int *) Pointer to the number of media type handles
in the media type handle table.
VSID_NUMBER_REQUEST_IDS (int *) Pointer to the number of request ids present in
the request id table.
(int *) Pointer to the number of request handles in
the request handle table.
VSID_PID (VST_PID *) Pointer to the VolServ identifier for the Ping
(VST_ENTERPRISE_ID *) Pointer to the enterprise identifier, if any, for
the Connect Query command.
VSID_QRY_OPTION (VST_QRY_OPTION *) Pointer to the query optio n for this status.
(VST_REQUEST_HANDLE *) Pointer to the first request handle in the
request handle table.
VSID_REQUEST_HANDLE_ENTRY (int) The index of the appropriate request handle in
the request handle table.
(VST_REQUEST_HANDLE *) Pointer to the appropriate request handle in
the request handle table.
(VST_TABLE_HANDLE *) Pointer to the request handle table associated
with this status.
VSID_REQUEST_ID (VST_REQUEST_ID *) Pointer to the request identifier of the targ et
command for a Cancel or Reprioritize request.
Parameter Type Description