g. Check that the pulse width of the transient pulse is no more than:
150mV/2ms (6010A)
100mV/2ms (6011A)
100mV/2ms (6012B)
200mV/5ms (6015A)
6010A 6011A
6012B 6015A
Figure 2-7. Load Transient Recovery Waveform
Temperature Coefficient. Temperature coefficient (TC) is the change in output voltage for each °C change in ambient
temperature with constant ac line voltage, constant output voltage setting and constant load resistance. Measure temperature
coefficient by placing the unit in an oven, varying the temperature over a range within the unit's operating temperature range,
and measuring the change in output voltage. Use a large, forced air oven for even temperature distribution. Leave the unit at
each temperature measurement for half hour to ensure stability in the measured variable. Measure the output voltage with a
stable DVM located outside the oven so voltmeter drift does not affect the measurement accuracy. To measure offset TC,
repeat the procedure with output voltage set to 0.10Vdc.
Proceed as follows:
a. Connect DVM between +S and -S.
b. Place power supply in oven, and set temperature to 30°C.
c. Turn the unit's power-on and turn up current setting to full output.
d. Turn up output voltage to the following: