Figure A-2. 002 Option Rear Panel Connector J3 and Switches A1 and A2.
Local/Remote Programming
When switching to local/ control, remember to set Front Panel Voltage and Current Control to safe
Local Programming (Figure A-3). The supply can be switched back and forth between remote and local
programming while initially checking out a remote programming circuit. For proper operation of local
programming, the user must supply the bias voltage (CONTROL ISOLATOR BIAS). The Control Isolator Bias
voltage can range from +4.75V to + 16V depending upon the user's interface circuits. Refer to Specifications
Table A-1. For local programming, take the Control Isolator Bias common and connect it to both of the LOC/REM
terminals, and position mode switch as indicated in Operation.
Although CONTROL ISOLATOR BIAS can be + 4.75V to + 16V, a supply voltage of more
than 7V may damage the relays. Therefore, if CONTROL ISOLATOR BIAS exceeds 7V it is
necessary to use a resistor in series with each of the LOC/REM terminals. Figure A-4 provides a
graph from which the proper series resistance value can be determined. Note that the tolerances
of both the Control Isolator Bias and the resistor must be taken into account. The actual Control
Bias used in Figure A-4 is obtained after subtracting any driver gate voltage drop.