Test 2-2: DC Isolation Test
This test verifies that sufficient DC isolation exists between various points on the switch module. The DMM used should be capable of measuring up to at least 1 GΩ. If the DMM indicates an overload, record the reading as ">Rmax", where Rmax is the highest resistance that the DMM can measure. If the DMM is a 3458A, for example, the reading should be written as ">1.2 GΩ".
Normally Open to
Common 1. Hardware Connections
Figure 2-4. DC Isolation Test (NO Channels to Common)
2.Equipment Setup
•Set DMM to:
•Send *RST to the switch to open all NO contacts.
3.DC Isolation Reading
•Trigger the DMM and record the reading.
Chapter 2 | Verification Tests 27 |