Agilent Technologies E1364A service manual Performance Verification Tests

Models: E1364A

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Performance Verification Tests


Closed Channel

Resistance Test

These programs are designed to do the Performance Verification Tests found in Chapter 2, "Verification Tests."

This example performs the Closed-Channel Resistance Test for all Normally Open and Normally Closed contacts.

/* Closed-channel Resistance Test

E1364A */

#include <stdio.h>



#include <sicl.h>



#define ADDR "hpib7,9,15"


/* Address of device */

#define DMM "hpib7,22"



void main (void)






INST id, dm;

/* Define id and dm as an instrument */

char reading[256] = {0};


/* Result variable */

int channel, i;



#if defined(__BORLANDC__) && !defined(__WIN32__) _InitEasyWin();



id = iopen (ADDR);

/* Open instrument session */

dm = iopen (DMM);


iprintf (id, "*RST\n");

iprintf (dm, "PRESET NORM;TRIG HOLD\n"); iprintf (dm, "FUNC OHMF\n");

printf ("\n\nConnect DMM to NO and C lines of E1364A (4-wire connection)");

getchar ();

printf ("\n\nContact Resistance -- Normally open contacts\n");

for (i = 0; i <= 15; i++)


channel = 100 + i;

48 Example C Programs

Appendix A

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Image 48
Agilent Technologies E1364A service manual Performance Verification Tests, Example Closed Channel Resistance Test