Chapter 6 Application Programs
Example Program for Excel 97

Example Program for Excel 97

This section contains the example program written using Excel Macros (Visual
BasicÒ for Applications) to control your power supply. With Excel you can
take the value of a cell in a spread sheet, send it to the power supply, and then
record the response on the worksheet. The example on the following pages
characterizes a component across the terminals of the power supply. This
example reads 11 voltages from a worksheet, programs the power supply to
that voltage, and then reads the current. The value of current is recorded next
to the voltage on the spread sheet.
Example The following table shows the result of the example program starting on page
131 for characterizing a diode. (Agilent Part number: 1901-1214, Manufacturer
Part number: MUR160, MotorolaÒ Co.)
program result