Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference
Calibration Commands
Example 1Enable the output of the power supply.
2Disable the voltage protection function.
3Unsecure the power supply with the secure code before calibration.
‘‘CAL:SEC:STAT OFF, ‘<code>’’’
4For voltage calibration, connect a digital voltmeter (DVM) across the
power supply’s output terminals.
5Set the power supply to low-end (MIN) calibration point.
6Enter the reading you obtained from the DVM.
‘‘CAL:VOLT:DATA 0.549’’
7Set the power supply to middle (MID) calibration point.
8Enter the reading you obtained from the DVM.
‘‘CAL:VOLT:DATA 11.058’’
9Set the power supply to high (MAX) calibration point.
10 Enter the reading you obtained from the DVM.
‘‘CAL:VOLT:DATA 21.566’’
11 Set the power supply to overvoltage protection calibration point.
12 For current calibration, connect an appropriate current monitoring
resistor (shunt) across the output terminals and connect the DVM
across the shunt resistor.
13 Repeat the steps (5) through (9) by substituting ‘‘CURR’’ for ‘‘VOLT’’ for
current calibration. For example, ‘‘CAL:CURR:LEV MIN’’
14 Record calibration information such as next calibration due date or
contact person for future reference. The calibration string may contain
up to 40 characters.
‘‘CALibration:STRing ‘<string>’’’
Notice that you should wait for the DVM reading to stabilize for accurate