Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference
Calibration Commands
CALibration:SECure:STATe {OFF | ON},<quoted code>
Unsecure or secure the power supply with a security for calibration.
Query the secured state for calibration of the power supply. The returned
parameter is ‘‘0’’ (OFF) or ‘‘1’’ (ON).
CALibration:STRing <quoted string>
Record calibration information about your power supply. For example, you
can store such information as the last calibration date, the next calibration due
date, or the power supply’s serial number. The calibration message may
contain up to 40 characters. The power supply should be unsecured before
sending a calibration message.
Query the calibration message and returns a quoted string.
CALibration:VOLTage[:DATA] <numeric value>
This command can only be used after calibration is unsecured and the output
state is ON. It enters a voltage value that you obtained by reading an external
meter. You must first select the minimum calibration level (CAL:VOLT:LEV
MIN) for the value being entered. You must then select the middle and
maximum calibration levels (CAL:VOLT:LEV MID and CAL:VOLT:LEV MAX)
for the value being entered. Three successive values must be selected and
entered. The power supply then computes new voltage calibration constants.
These constants are then stored in non-volatile memory.
CALibration:VOLTage:LEVel {MINimum | MIDdle | MAXimum}
This command can only be used after calibration is unsecured and the output
state is ON. It sets the power supply to a calibration point that is entered with
CAL:VOLT command. During calibration, three points must be entered and the
low-end point (MIN) must be selected and entered first.
Calibrate the overvoltage protection circuit of the power supply. It takes about
10 seconds to execute the command. The calibration must be unsecured and
the output be opened before calibrating the overvoltage protection circuit. The
power supply automatically performs the calibration and stores the new
overvoltage constant in nonvolatile memory. Notice that voltage calibration
precedes before sending this command.