Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference
Calibration Commands

Calibration Commands

See ‘‘Calibration Overview’’, starting on page 62 for an overview of the
calibration features of the power supply. An example program for calibration
is listed on page 91. For more detailed discussion on the calibration
procedures, see the Service Information.
Note When you calibrate the power supply, you should NOT set the OVP to ON state in
order to prevent OVP from tripping.
Query the power supply to determine the number of times it has been
calibrated. Your power supply was calibrated before it left the factory. When
you receive your power supply, read the count to determine its initial value.
Since the value increments by one for each calibration point, a complete
calibration will increase the value by 3 counts.
CALibration:CURRent[:DATA] <numeric value>
This command can only be used after calibration is unsecured and the output
state is ON. It enters a current value that you obtained by reading an external
meter. You must first select the minimum calibration level (CAL:CURR:LEV
MIN) for the value being entered, then select the middle and maximum
calibration levels (CAL:CURR:LEV MID and CAL:CURR:LEV MAX) for the
value being entered. Three successive values must be selected and entered.
The power supply then computes new calibration constants. These constants
are then stored in non-volatile memory.
CALibration:CURRent:LEVel {MINimum | MIDdle | MAXimum}
This command can only be used after calibration is unsecured and the output
state is ON. It sets the power supply to a calibration point that is entered with
CAL:CURR command. During calibration, three points must be entered and the
low-end point (MIN) must be selected and entered first.
CALibration:SECure:CODE <quoted new code>
Enter a new security code. To change the security code, first unsecure the
power supply using the old security code. Then, enter the new code. The
calibration code may contain up to 11 characters over the remote interface.
See “Calibration Overview” on page 62 for more information.