Front-Panel Menu/Key Reference

This section gives an overview of the front-panel keys/menus. The menus are
designed to automatically guide you through all parameters required to
configure a particular function or operation.
1 Low voltage range selection key Selects the low voltage range and allows
its full rated output to the output terminals.
2 High voltage range selection key Selects the high voltage range and allows
its full rated output to the output terminals.
3 Overvoltage protection key Enables or disables the overvoltage protection
function, sets trip voltage level, and clears the overvoltage condition.
4 Display limit key Shows voltage and current limit values on the display and
allows the knob adjustment for setting limit values.
5 Voltage/Current adjust selection key Selects the knob control function for
voltage or current adjustment.
6 Stored state recall menu Recalls a stored operating state from location ‘‘1’’
through ‘‘5’’ and resets the power supply to the power-on state (*RST
command) from the front panel by selecting the ‘‘RESET’’ from this menu.
7 State storage menu / Local key1 Stores up to five power supply’s states in
non-volatile memory and assigns a name to each of the storage locations / or
returns the power supply to local mode from remote interface mode.
8 View menu / Calibrate key2 Views the error codes and the text of the error
message, calibration string, and system firmware revision / or enables
calibration mode.
9 I/O Configuration / Secure key3 Configures the power supply for remote
interfaces / or secures or unsecures the power supply for calibration.
10 Output On/Off key Enables or disables the power supply output. This key
toggles between on and off.
11 Resolution selection keys Move the flashing digit to the right or left and
adjust the scrolling speed of the text being displayed in the View menu.
12 Knob Increases or decreases the value of the flashing digit by turning
clockwise or counter clockwise.
1The key can be used as the ‘‘Local’’ key when the power supply is in the remote
interface mode.
2You can enable the ‘‘calibration mode’’ by holding down this key when you
turn on the power supply.
3You can use it as the ‘‘Secure’’ or ‘‘Unsecure’’ key when the power supply is
in the calibration mode.