programming language 152
programming ranges (voltage/current)
programming resolution 149
query data 97
query response reading 75
questionable status register 95
rack mounting 24
reference dimension 154
rack-mounting kit 24
readback accuracy 149
readback resolution 149
rear panel
GPIB (IEEE-488) interface connec-
tor 6
layout 6
output terminals 6
RS-232 interface connector 6
recalling operating states 48
enable register 93
event register 93
event status enable command 96
questionable status 95
questionable status enable 95
questionable status event 95
standard event 96
status byte 97
status byte summary 97
remote programming 144
remote sensing capability 151
remote voltage sensing
connections 36
reverse current 36
reverse polarity diode 143
ripple and noise 149
Configuration 59
Data Frame Format 59
troubleshooting 61
safety information 29
command terminators 106
confirmed commands 109, 110
conformance information 109
device-specific 111
language introduction 103
non-SCPI commands 111
status registers 93
version 57, 109
version query 57
SCPI parameters
Boolean 107
Discrete 107
Numeric 107
String 107
scrolling speed, error text 114
complete 17, 56
power-on 56
to perform 56
semicolon 105
series element 137
series operation, connection 143
series regulated supply 137
series resistance 137
service request (SRQ) interrupt 98
settling time 150
speed of response
down programming 145
up-programming 144
square brackets 69
stability 35, 151
standard event register 96
start bits (RS-232) 59
State Storage Memory 152
status byte query (*STB) 99
status byte summary register 97
status reporting commands 101
stop bits (RS-232) 59
storage temperature 153
storing operating states 48
storing power supply states 55
storing state
assing a name 55
locations 55
recall a stored state 55
subsystems 103
supplemental characteristics 151
system firmware revision 57
system-related commands 85
temperature coefficient 151
transient response time 150
tree system 103
triangle brackets 69
trigger source
bus (software) 75
immediate internal trigger 75
Trigger Source Choices
Bus (Software) Triggering 82
Immediate Triggering 83
unregulated state (condition) 141
up-programming response 144
variable resistor 137
vertical bar 69
VFD 32
VISA 124
VISA functionality 125
visa.dll 124
visa32.dll 124
Visual Basic 129
Voltage Drops 35
voltage limit 42
voltage spikes 142
weight of power supply 153
wire rating 34