Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference
Using the APPLy Command
Using the APPLy Command
The APPLy command provides the most straightforward method to program
the power supply over the remote interface. You can select the output voltage
and current in one command.
APPLy {<voltage>| DEF | MIN | MAX}[,{<current>| DEF | MIN | MAX}]
This command is combination of VOLTage and CURRent commands.
The APPLy command changes the power supply’s output to the newly
programmed values only if the programmed values are valid within the
presently selected range. An execution error will occur if the programmed
values are not valid within the selected range.
You can substitute ‘‘MINimum’’, ‘‘MAXimum’’, or ‘‘DEFault’’ in place of a
specific value for the voltage and current parameters. For more details of
parameters, see Table 4-1 through Table 4-2 for each model.
If you specify only one parameter of the APPLy command, the power supply
regards it as voltage setting value.
Query the power supply’s present voltage and current setting values and
returns a quoted string. The voltage and current are returned in sequence as
shown in the sample string below (the quotation marks are returned as part of
the string).
‘‘8.00000,3.00000’’ (E3640A model)