In This Book

Quick Start Chapter 1 helps you get familiar with a few of the power supply’s
the front panel feature.
General Information Chapter 2 contains a general description of your
power supply. This chapter also provides instructions for installation of your
power supply and the output connections.
Front-Panel Operation Chapter 3 describes in detail the use of front-panel
keys and how they are used to operate the power supply from the front panel.
This chapter also shows how to configure the power supply for the remote
interface and gives a brief introduction to the calibration features.
Remote Interface Reference Chapter 4 contains reference information to
help you program the power supply over the remote interface. This chapter
also explains how to program for status reporting.
Error Messages Chapter 5 lists the error messages that may appear as you
are working with the power supply. Each listing contains information to help
you diagnose and solve the problem.
Application Programs Chapter 6 contains some remote interface
applications to help you develop programs for your application.
Tutorial Chapter 7 describes basic operation of linear power supplies and
gives specific details on the operation and use of your power supply.
Specifications Chapter 8 lists the power supply’s specifications.
Service Information Contains guidelines to return your power supply to
Agilent Technologies for servicing, procedures for verification & calibration,
and replaceable parts list and component locator diagram & schematics.
If you have questions relating to the operation of the power supply, call
1-800-452-4844 in the United States, or contact your nearest Agilent
Technologies Sales Office.
If your power supply fails within three years of purchase, Agilent will repair
or replace it free of charge. Call 1-800-258-5165 ("Express Exchange") in
the United States, or contact your nearest Agilent Technologies Sales Office.